Tuesday, April 25, 2017

I don't like conflict

     All my life has been surrounded by conflict much like Jesus was always engaged in conflict.  The difference between he and I can be found in my seemingly seeking conflict while Jesus was himself and conflict sought him.  Conflict can be and is necessary from time to time.  Jesus warns of this throughout his ministry years here with us.  His life was consumed with overcoming on our behalf so the conflict was beneficial to you and I.  My conflict, on the other hand, had done more damage than it has good.  Don't feel badly for me as the conflict is often God's hand being played out in my life.  The conflict is used to determine my readiness for handling the Christian conflict that arises in all of our lives.  Some people pretend their way though conflict believing if nothing is said or done that the conflict will somehow disappear.  Some people play the blame game and avoid dealing with the conflict in that manner.  Some people engage the conflict and stand up for what they believe believing the their world will be better if they take this action.  Some people lay conflict at the cross of Jesus and let him handle the conflict through whatever means.  I've seen myself in all of these over the years.  The last one is the only one that really works.  Why?  Because God can do what I can't. 
     Maybe conflict for you is engaged every day all day.  Maybe conflict is infrequent and simply put to rest.  Maybe conflict isn't understood by you and it bounces off the walls of your brain making you more frustrated every time it does.  Maybe you were no taught how to handle conflict when you were growing up.  I wasn't.  Learning how to identify conflict allowed by God versus conflict inflicted by the world we live in is the big beginning.  Differentiating between the two helps you and I to separate our battles over which can be won and which should be abandoned.  While it's true that Jesus promised that as believers we would be persecuted, he doesn't say the persecution needs to continue.  As we walk in the wisdom and power of the Holy Spirit, we are able to better exercise our Christian faith and make choices that Jesus would make.  One of my problem areas is I don't usually keep my mouth closed like Jesus did.  Maybe you suffer from that as well?  Living the Christian life doesn't mean we won't be in conflictual relationship with other believers.  Jesus was in similar situations with his own hand picked 12.  Living the Christian life means we are contrary to the world we live in leaving conflict a definite part of life with others. 
     So, how do we handle conflict both in the Christian world and in the secular world as well?  Do we continue on doing what we have been doing expecting different outcomes?  That's insanity.  Do we avoid, escape, or otherwise dodge the conflict and expect it to go away?  That doesn't work either.  I'd like to suggest that the first step is to acknowledge that conflict will come and go.  What we do first is important.  First is to bring it before God, his Word and the Holy Spirit.  Then to simply do what God would have us to do.  There are times when we are to engage conflict while at the same time avoid other conflicts that come our way.  Part of the equations is to determine which conflict is necessary and which is not.  When we separate conflict in this manner we can "put away" the unnecessary conflict and just deal with the necessary conflict.  The second step is to see what the Bible has to say regarding about conflict.  As far as possible, be at peace with all mankind is how one author put it.  Sometimes peace comes in the morning after the conflict.  Sometimes God takes care of the conflict for us by his hand.  In all the ways of living with conflict we need to remember that there are choices and positive and negative consequences.  Go for the positive.  Go for life!  But don't compromise the Christian life that God has given you and I.  Remember it's always your choice.

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