Saturday, April 22, 2017

As I sit writing...

     God is so good!  My little dog is under a blanket on my lap making contented sleeping noises.  The sun is coming up on the eastern horizon and I can see it peeking between the Douglas firs that border my property.  The fruit trees are in a mixture of leafing out and flowering.  Both necessary for the bounty that comes later.  One stubborn mole has left his mark of a mound of dirt in my otherwise nice lawn.  I'm thankful for all of this.  I'm thankful that I get to spend the day with my son Daniel.  It's not often we get to do that.  I'll turn into a 18 year old for the day with him.  The coffee is black, strong and wonderful freeing my mind of the spider webs of interrupted sleep.  I'll have breakfast in a bit and enjoy sitting leisurely on the patio.  Life is good...but not everywhere.  I don't turn on the TV in the mornings on purpose blocking out the latest step to world wide distress, unrest and in a mess.  I'll be informed later of what's going on.  No need to wreck this moment.  I read the 4th chapter of Hosea this morning and made some notes to self.  Mostly about how I can do better.  I can always do better.  God knows this and speaks to my heart about areas where I lack as I write in my daily journal.  I've been daily journaling since 2013.  Some day I'll go back and read what I've written.  Ought to be interesting!
     I'm disturbed by our society.  There are countless individuals who will wake up homeless, foodless and alone.  There is war on the forefront of countries around us.  Some hate us and some hate us for interfering with what they want to do with yet another country.  Our own citizens protest countless causes but there seems to be no Christians standing up and marching for Jesus.  To the Christians out protesting; are you really representing Jesus with your hate messages and destruction?  The divisions in the church (generally speaking) are ever increasing and rather than serving the living God they serve the ideals of someone who didn't like what was found in the many different churches around them.  Starting a new church with new doctrine is not representing Jesus.  I don't care how you label what you are doing.  If you aren't living the life Jesus wants to live through you then you aren't really serving him but yourself.  Same for the protesters.  I wonder when the end will come every day.  I'm disturbed that more don't.  Complacency in the world has rendered the Christian message powerless in so many circles.  God knows the hearts of ALL men, women, and children.  Yet we tend to act like we don't have to be accountable to him.
     So, I focus on that which is good and am blessed as God reminds me that there are many who are on the mission field bringing the Gospel to many otherwise unreached.  I'm thankful that God preserves life and heals like he has done all through the history of mankind.  I am thankful that God has blessed me with so much and I am not selfish enough to keep it to myself.  There needs to be an attachment to God so tight that we need to let go of the world.  In the end we leave this life as we came into it.  Naked with nothing but the first breath.  Though I've brought myself into bad situations over my lifetime I have a God who reached down and picked me up from the mud I was wallowing in and set my feet on his ground.  He washed me off and sent me on my way yet again in order to find the lost.  My many encounters over my lifespan has brought many to the knowledge of Jesus and they have found Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  All I am is a seed planter,  The Holy Spirit even has the upper hand in that.  The harvest is Gods.  So, like Martin Luther, I'll go forth and plant another tree today remembering that it's always my choice...and yours.

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