Friday, April 21, 2017

What you see and hear versus what is real

     We, until salvation, live lives filled with deception, lies and other nonsense.  George Orwell, in his book "1984" shares a world where the truth is altered every time there is a change in the thinking of those in charge.  Another "version" of history is put into place and the people were to accept, believe and incorporate this "new history" as truth.  Anyone who didn't was "re-educated" and then put back into society.  No choices.  The world isn't much different today than what Orwell described.  History is interpreted in the eye of the beholder.  Don't like this or that?  Believe otherwise.  Conspiracy theories and such have brought out the wild imaginations and wonderings that are contrary to a life lived for Christ.  The intention of all of this is to take our eyes off the reason we have the breath of life in the first place.  It's to eliminate the belief that there is a God who loves us, died for us, rose from the dead and provides salvation for us so that we can be resurrected and live in heaven with Jesus.  When people or organizations or even the devil have an agenda they demand we accept, we are first appalled followed closely by our listening to what they have to say and then concluding the act with our participation.  Such is the whim of sin. 
     Each of us lives our lives in whatever manner we feel is right based upon our history, place in society, and even upon the lies we have been told are truth.  Deciphering the truth becomes almost impossible because of generation after generation indoctrinating us to believe that what they decided was truth.  So the masses are deceived by the very history they live amongst.  It only takes a man in a field who said he talked with an angel who gave him another gospel to lead a huge mass of people straight to a path to hell.  Or perhaps the man who was paranoid and power hungry who moved his flock to another country and then had them drink cool aid poisoned and deadly.  Maybe it's the group of politicians who rise and fall according to the nearness of re-election that causes them to suddenly be the best friend to those who can give them the most votes.  Get the picture?  Just what the truth is we don't know anymore (Moody Blues).  Pilate said similar words in the presence of Jesus: "What is truth?"  Separating the truth from the lies becomes a labor in vain for the most part.  Rather than trying to be congenial to everyone and tolerant of everything, we need to and must stand for the real truth.  Jesus. 
     Self deception requires convincing only one  I know because over the years I've practiced that art.  The ability of sorting the truth from the lies is as near to us as the Bible that sits on our nightstand or our coffee table.  Taking the  Book of all books and opening it's pages we learn that there will be all kinds of deception and lies intended to deliver us to Satan rather than to Jesus.  Believing only what you want isn't acceptable either.  It's reported that Thomas Jefferson cut out the verses that offended him.  Not real smart.  Either we live the Bible or we live the world.  People read and listen to us to determine what our truth is.  The question is begged, "What do they see and hear?"  Do they see and hear the world or do they see and hear Jesus in your life?  In my life?  In the life of your church?  Are the orphan and the widow being cared for?  Are the sick healed and the oppressed and possessed delivered?  Does the Gospel convict the sinner?  Are you and I changed from glory to glory or are not?  Who does your wife, friend, children, neighbor and enemy see?  I've failed to be that person who people see Jesus in.  I've repented and repented and repented.  Yet, as Paul says, "Those thing I know are right to do, I do not and those things I know are wrong, I do.  Wretched man that I am!"  Do people see Jesus in you?  Remember, it's always your choice.

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