Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Not all who wander are lost!

     I've been a wanderer and I've been lost.  Maybe you have as well.  I like to explore and that alone can cause concern for my knowing where I've ended up.  If I don't have a destination but am just wandering I don't suppose that I can get lost.  Not like when I wander away from my firsts love, Jesus.  Whenever I wander away from his plan for my life; I am truly lost until I get back on that narrow road.  In the spiritual sense I was lost before He found me.  I wouldn't have told you that before he found me.  Afterwards I knew how lost I was.  That's the perspective we have though.  It's not until after that we realize that we have wandered and are lost.  Whereas in my wanderings around a village, forest, or other places here on earth, I wander and never really am lost as there is no end to my wandering.  Discovery around every corner compels me to go yet another mile and see this or that and experience the thrill of knowing.  But I'm not lost!  I know a lot of wanderers who aren't lost.  Some lose themselves in their mental wanderings.  Some lose themselves in their physical wanderings.  Regardless, we all wander in one way or another.  So also in our spiritual lives.  We don't know we are wandering and lost until he calls us and we are made aware of just where we've  been and where our journey has taken us.  The Christian is called to be able to pick up and go wherever God wants us to go, say what he wants us to say and be the person Jesus lives through.  As long as we are "there" we aren't lost and yet can wander. 
     Christian wandering can be very beneficial when we are about His business.  Being about His business means we are on a set course where we can't be lost.  God has given and protected our ability to exercise free will.  That is great when we are in His will.  Pathetic when we have wandered from Him.   Like the Prodigal Son, we think and that's where we get into trouble.  We think we can wander and no harm, no foul.  We move on down the road looking for what we shouldn't and cling to that which is forbidden for us to have Christ living in us.  We are to be the light to the lost and not living in darkness.  It's such a simple formula and yet I screw it up so many times in my life.  It's with the best of intentions that we transition from wandering and become the prodigal son or daughter.  My first trip to Chicago was exciting!  I fell in love with the city when I stepped off the plane and still love to be there.  On that first trip I rented a car and after a meeting I took to exploring thinking I knew where I was going.  It was becoming dark and the neighborhood was just as dark.  I finally stopped on a corner and talked to the only living person on the street.  She looked at me and before I could ask for directions told me that I was obviously lost.  It turned out I was in the heart of the worst part of the south side of Chicago.  With her directions I was soon on a freeway taking me back to my hotel.  That lesson has stayed with me.  Sometimes when you wander you really are lost!
     The process of going to wandering and lost is often subtle and occurs through time and events.  We tend to put our toe into the mixture and see which way the stream is flowing.  Then goes the foot followed by the leg and eventually we are in the stream up to our necks and realize we are not on solid ground anymore.  We come to our senses and return to that place that is safe and yet we can still wander with Christ through the mazes of life touching souls as we encounter each other.  Some throw up their hands and just remain lost while others throw up their hands and are found.  We tend to take baby steps to lost and then wonder why we are there.  Like the frog placed in the pot of cold water and then staying there after the heat is turned on; we too see our spiritual life in Christ dying because we have wandered away.  Our witness suffers and sometimes is snuffed out by our choice.  The question is whether or not others see Christ in us or not.  In the state of being lost, there is no evidence that Christ is there.  It's when we are found that we can display our faith with any credibility.  Life is a journey...  Wander with Christ...  Don't get lost...  It's always your choice.

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