Saturday, April 29, 2017

Christian political correctness.

     When we encounter the God of the universe, we do so with reverence and respect.  Why?  Because he created us, our world and everything in our world.  There are many who would disagree with this and argue that time changes and so does our knowledge and definition of everything about God and his world.  This includes us, his creation.  If I agreed with them then we would both be wrong!  God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  He existed since eternity past and will exist for eternity future.  There, according to the Bible, is no shadow of turning in him, the Holy Spirit and the Son.  However, it's not true about mankind whom he has created in his image.  We are quite the rascals gone astray on practically everything you can imagine.  God even said so to Jeremiah stating that they (the people) had done things that even he hadn't imagined they would do.  The people had been sacrificing their children to idols.  That's no different than sacrificing children today in abortion clinics in the name of being our own god.  We don't give life, God does.  We don't take life, God does.  But onto political correctness and the Christian. 
     I could simply state that there is no political correctness in the Christian's life since the beginning of time.  I would immediately be in trouble with most Christians today.  Taking the time to make amends or to honor one group over another.  Using "inclusive language" when we are all included in the same category (dead in our sins until redeemed).  Rewording the Bible because it doesn't fit mankind's new way of thinking.  The list could go on and on.  God is a masculine figure.  The Father is not a woman or asexual.  The Son is masculine and is fully God.  The Holy Spirit is a comforter who both directs the Christians life and draws those who have heard the Word.  Sin is sin according to many parts of the Bible.  Sin is always against God even when we perpetrate sin against our fellow Christian and non-Christian.  There are no arbitrary, negotiable or demands that we can take to change what the Bible says.  Paul and John both stated that if we take away from the Bible our names will be taken away from the book of life.  They both go on to say that if we add to the Bible we add to ourselves the plagues of God.  We don't want either of them.  Tolerance of those who live lives contrary to the Word is nonsense!  Even if they are Christian, we are to not tolerate them, their words, or their actions.  But wait, there's more!
     The Bible is not for debate.  We are not to apologize for what it says.  We are to be ready in and out of season to give a reason for the hope that is within us.  Don't apologize for your faith!  The Bible says that the Word is foolishness to those who are perishing.  Don't apologize for your faith.  Fear of political correctness in the homes, work and leisure parts of our lives is nothing short of apologizing for what the Bible instructs as true.  We either stand for the Trinity and the Word of God or we don't.  That's it.  Nothing more should even be considered.  We may think we are doing the will of God by being politically correct or tolerant, but we aren't.  We even have pastors and other church leaders that lead the people of God astray teaching all kinds of false things to further the devils cause.  In the end, it won't matter what your believe but rather if you believe what God has provided to you.  In the end, it won't matter what you do if it's not what God wants you to do.  In the end, all will be what we have surrendered to God for the furtherance of the Gospel so that some may be saved.  In the end, don't be so caught up believing what the world thinks and lose your soul.  It's always your choice.  Remember? 

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