Friday, April 28, 2017

I'm not one to complain, but...

     I do.  I'm not proud of that fact but rather am just stating the facts.  I complain and whine and even have thrown fits because of my complaints.  It's not Christian like...or is it?  Remember Jesus as he went to the temple?  He was upset to say the least!  The Bible tells us that he took the time to weave together a whip.  I've woven rope before from twine.  It takes time and finesse. You can see him across from the temple entrance sitting on a doorstep with strands of leather weaving them together to form a whip.  I don't know how long it was but it was long enough to chase the money changers from the temple.  He finishes the whip and probably tests it out before he faces the crowd that has gathered.  They part as he walks through them to the temple entrance.  From there it's all action with few words.  He lashes out with the whip and chases the money changers from the temple entrance.  He overturns their wares and lets their animals free.  Pandemonium ensues as everything that has breath leaves the temple entrance.  The crowd and the disciples (who were also watching) are in a state of shock.  Jesus addresses them and then walks away.  No one even tried to stop him.  His was the righteous anger of God.  Don't try this at home!
     My petty issues that I complain about simply don't measure up to the righteous anger of God.  They certainly don't merit my getting angry even if it's a just cause.  Yet, I complain and do become angry.  Moses did that when he came down from the mountain breaking the two tablets with the ten commandments.  He had just been given the ten commandments and his first action was to break one of them even before the people had heard them!  There are so many actors in the Bible that failed like I fail.  I wouldn't have the room to document them here or even in a book.  We look around ourselves and there are countless Christians who also fit the bill.  We are not alone.  We are alone in our reaction and redress of the issues.  The question looms, "What about our actions and words would encourage others to love Jesus?  Peter cut the ear off the person coming to get Jesus for his death and resurrection.  Wrong!  My own history is not so great if I focus only on the negative.  Yet, there is, like Peter, so many times we have been effective in spreading the Gospel and seeing the Holy Spirit draw people into repentance.  It's all about God.  Unless it's righteous anger it's not from God.  If it's not from God, it's sin.  We need to acknowledge that fact, repent and move on. 
      It's not easy though.  The issues are clear.  First we do know what is right and what is wrong.  Secondly, we know that we are to do what is right.  Third, we know that God will take what we do right and use it for His purpose.  His purpose is to see as many saved as possible before he returns to defeat the enemy.  These things we know and yet, I complain.  You complain.  Pastors complain.  Everyone complains about something somewhere and somehow.  It's a fact.  The only solution is to focus on Jesus and do his will.  People need to see that we are human and yet know we represent the living and Holy God.  People will read the book that is our life over the Bible and make decisions based on how we act, talk and walk.  Wouldn't you?  I need to and can do better.  You can as well.  It begins with our willingness to be reading the Bible, praying and applying God's word to our lives.  Keep the complaints between you and God in prayer and when calmed down, address why the complaint is there in the first place.  There is a beginning and an end that rely on our action.  What we do dictates whether or now we are an effective disciple of Christ.  Knowing this we are left with a choice.  What will we do?  Remember it's always your choice.

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