Thursday, July 28, 2016

You can please some of the people some of the time...

     but you can't please all the people all of the time!  Standing up for what is right and what God wants isn't a friend winner.  But then if we are living for Jesus we aren't looking for friends with the world but should be looking for friends with God.  Even if all forsake you, you will always have God.  Living around contentious people is difficult.  When someone insists that you are wrong and that you need to change, they can't see themselves.  We are blind that way.  We see things in others that we don't like in ourselves.  What happens next is the problem.  When we get to this point, we can't see Jesus in others much less exhibit it ourselves.  Everything in our lives is a choice.  We can either choose to serve God or we can serve the world.  There is no other choice.  One or the other will get you where you either love the one or hate the other.  Jesus warned us of this.  We aren't to be "pleasers of man" but to be a pleaser of God.  It can't be that difficult you might be thinking.  We, Christians, in our pursuit of God and his will in our lives will definitely offend some.  Some will attack. Others will abandon.  I'm talking about the Christian.  We, as believers, have it as common knowledge that the world hates Jesus in us.  But the believer?! 
     I make mistakes.  I even sin knowingly.  There are more than enough people in my world to remind me of both.  Why do they do that?  Why do people you care about do that to you?  I'd like to say that it's because I choose to believe that God forgives me and remembers my sin no more.  At least that's what the Bible says.  William James penned, "We may have a God in heaven that forgives us our sin, but mankind does not."  Yep, I have some whom I haven't forgiven.  I imagine you do as well.  When I was younger I used to fight for right and the recognition that I was saved and forgiven by God.  Many times it was a lesson in futility.  The more I fought, the less it seemed I could convince people.  So, I've chosen to not fight my critics.  It's a waste of time and gives them power they don't deserve.  Instead I try to walk away if only in my mind.  That doesn't ignore the problem, it puts distance between me and the problem.  My silence doesn't become a testimony that they are right anymore than it says I'm right.  My silence is to keep me from being a fool for Jesus as opposed to a witness of Christ. 
     Understanding that I can't please anyone is contingent upon my knowing how those close to me act and react.  The old, "you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink" is more true than ever.  I can speak, act and do what is right.  If someone is offended by that there is nothing I can do to change their mind.   That doesn't mean I ignore the situation.  It means that I choose what is worth the battle and what is not.  Jesus faced this temptation when he was before Pilate and did not defend himself.  It was in his answer to questions the religious authorities posed to trap him with.  It was their dilemma caused by his doing what was right rather than what was least bothersome to the norms of the day.  Jesus didn't shy away from confrontation as he chased the money changers from the temple.  He didn't shy away from associating with those who were not of the Jewish faith.  He spoke his words quietly, authoritatively, and intently in public for all to see.  He rose Lazarus from the dead in full view of all who were watching.  No one said anything about his giving life to a dead man.  What makes it any different if He has breathed life into me.  It's not for my sake, it's for his sake.  It's always our choice.  What choices are you making?

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