Saturday, July 23, 2016

Jesus doesn't want us to mind our own business

     Be intrusive, observant, confronting, optimistic, positive, hands on, and so many other things!  Be in prayer for everyone around you and those God lays on your heart.  We, Christians, have had it wrong for so long that we've become complacent in our mission to minister to those Christ has sent us to be ministering to.  We have failed to be all of the above things and exchanged our calling to complacency.  If you and I don't feel the enemy breathing down our necks it's because we are doing little or nothing to upset his world.  This is his world.  We are the visitors and are passing through.  We might as well have fun taking some on the journey with us.  When was the last time you told a Hells Angel that Jesus loved them and wants them to be Heavenly Angels?  I challenge you to make these seven words your daily mantra: "Jesus loves you and I love you too!"  It doesn't matter what their position in life is, the statement is true.  Or at least it should be true that you love them too!  That's the second commandment that Jesus gave us.
     While I'm at it, take a look at those two commandments.  The first is to love the Lord your God with ALL your heart, soul and mind.  The second is to love your neighbor as yourself.  Those are the only two commands that we need pay attention to.  It's not about church membership, tithing, being on this committee or that, or even being a pastor.  It's all about loving Jesus and loving yourself.  When you accomplish the first, the second disappears because it's automatically fulfilled.  Loving Jesus isn't part time, when it feels comfortable, here and there, prejudice over who deserves love and any other contingency you and I place on it.  EVERY contingency put on the first commandment is us being the god of our world.  Do you and I really want to do that?  Do we want to see less than every part of Jesus lived through our lives?  I suggest that we do and the reason is fear.  The Bible says that perfect love (God's love) casts out ALL fear.  Then why do we still fear?  What is it that determines whether we will stand up for Christ or cower behind excuses? 
     Jesus isn't politically correct.  You shouldn't be either.  Jesus called it like it is.  You should too.  Jesus healed the sick.  Jesus living through you should do the same.  Jesus cast out demons.  You should too in His name.  Jesus told the truth.  You should too even when you know no one is going to like the truth or you for saying it.  Jesus went the extra mile.  You should too.  Jesus died to self for you and I.  You should die to self for him.  Jesus gave his life for all.  You should too.  Jesus held nothing back.  You shouldn't hold anything back either.  Jesus kept it simple.  You should too.  Jesus loves you and I love you too is as simple as it gets.  When was the last time you asked your pastor to assure you that he was saved and doing what he is called to do?  Yes, the pastor.  They are no different than you or I.  We will all stand before the judgment seat for what we have and have not said, done or thought.  I'm not asking you to do anything.  The Holy Spirit is.  He's asking you to man/woman up to your calling to be making disciples of all mankind.  He's calling you and I to be intolerant of our own sin as well as the sin of others.  He's calling you to tell the truth with no fear.  Jesus will be there for and with us in our doing his will.  He will never leave or forsake us.  What's the worst that can happen?  We die and go to heaven.  That's not so bad.  It's always been, will continue to be, your choice.  Live life for today.  That's all you have.  It's always your choice.

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