Thursday, July 14, 2016

Being crazy and confused in a Christian world.

     When my son Daniel was about 3 years old he would ask me where we were going when we got in the car.  I would answer, "We're going to crazy!"  It seemed that until he became a teenager that this was "fun" between the two of us.  This is similar to when people ask me where I live.  I usually answer "In a state of confusion!"  So, between crazy and confused I exist in this Christian world.  That's not all bad though.  Imagine a world where crazy and confused didn't exist.  What would that be like?  Boring!  It would be wonderful if everyone who calls themselves Christian could lighten up and be crazy and confused with others.  Believe it or not we (those of us who aren't afraid of being crazy and confused) would welcome you with open arms.  After all, that's what Jesus did.  He both was seen as crazy and confused AND accepted us just as we are.  While the world will always see me as crazy and confused, Jesus sees me as one of his.  That's the good news!  Belonging in spite of your quirks and flaws should be foremost in the thoughts and minds of everyone. 
     Sometimes my being crazy and confused gets me in trouble.  Well, as the world counts as trouble.  They misinterpret my words or actions and wonder what space ship I got off of.  Here is a good example.  I have lots of clothing, shoes and jackets.  So I don't need any.  In fact, I have way more than I need just like most Americans do.  Every now and then I go through my closet and remove those items that I haven't worn or used in the last 6 months.  I don't remove everything though as we do live in a seasonal world.  Then I take garbage bags and put shoes, jackets and clothing in each one.  When I see a good deal on Craigslist I snatch up those items to add to the bags.  Then I DON'T bring them to a church or to a repurposing store.  I take them to the local Union Gospel Mission and hand out bags to the men there who fit the sizes in the bags.  I recently went to a garage sale and when Bob found out what I wanted to do with the items he said, "Take whatever you want for free."  I filled my Expedition and headed home to separate and bag.  I had picked up kitchen items and a radio as well.  I put my two dogs in the truck and we went down to the Union Gospel mission.  No one knows my name there.  They know the white Expedition.  They know that there are items they need in it.  They come and unload the truck for me.  Then they smile broadly and say "thanks!"  That's more than enough for me.
     My wife sometimes thinks I'm nuts for doing this and tells me so.  She's concerned about the cleanliness of the items, the risk of my delivering them, and other worldly cares and concerns.  I can understand this and allow her to make the judgment that doesn't apply to me, a crazy and confused Christian in her world.  I like anonymous.  I like to see people blessed.  I like to do this over and over again.  I will continue to be crazy and confused to whomever feels differently.  I don't see drug addicts.  I don't see alcoholics.  I don't see criminals.  I don't see what people do.  I see people.  It's that simple.  Except for the grace of God that would be me hanging out at the mission.  Bob was crazy but not confused.  He, like me, sees the plight of mankind and thinks in the positive and not the negative.  "What can I do to help." instead of "Those who don't help themselves don't deserve our doing for them."  What do you think Jesus would do with your wardrobe, pantry, empty bedrooms, shower, transportation, and your time?  If you belong to Him, then it's not your wardrobe, pantry, empty bedrooms, shower, transportation and time.  It's His.  You determine who you serve.  If you choose to follow Jesus the world will definitely consider you crazy and confused.  You would be in good company.  What's your choice today? 

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