Thursday, July 21, 2016

Christians don't have terminal illnesses.

     I know that sounds odd.  Once upon a time I would have been opposed to that idea.  Terminal illnesses are a bodily phenomena and do afflict us.  Unlike so many other illnesses, these kill the body but not the soul.  Having the precious salvation brought about by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus gives us all a goal to look forward to.  Everyone's body dies at some time at least physically.  I know that it's happened to many in my life.  While I am saddened by these physical deaths, I know these people knew Jesus and thus know life eternal.  The ravages of physically dying are part of everyone's story to one degree or another.  With the decay of mankind and the world that we live in diseases are bound to increase in complexity and take physical life from us.  I won't argue about that.  What I will argue with is the thought that life is over, that life has stopped, that life is something you give up on.  None of those are living life.  At the base of all of this is a realization that physical life is temporary while spiritual life and the life of the soul belongs to God.  Because of this fact, we need to understand we are not God and not in charge of the physical life lived.
     When cancer or other diseases ravage the body and we are facing that moment of physically dying there is a need on our part to make the transition as comfortably as possible.  Medical science has made this possible and available to those who need it.  I'm not talking about assisted suicide.  I'm talking about symptom management.  The "symptoms" are real.  They do need addressing and the great healer, Jesus, has provided us with knowledge to create these helps.  To understand this we need to know that Jesus was tempted in every way that we are.  Every way!  Healing comes in many different forms from the miraculous to the very death (healing) for those who belong to Christ.  We don't like to acknowledge that death is one way we are healed.  Yet, when we transition from this life to that life there is no break in our breathing.  We exhale for the last time here and inhale for the first time there.  When we inhale we are in a new place with no pain, no ills, no sadness, no despair, and no more need to depend on medications to get us through another hour, minute or day.
     "Terminal" incites thoughts of "forever" and that simply isn't the case for Christians.  For the Christian the whole life began when they accepted Christ and yet many still believe there is "terminal" situations for them through life here on earth.  It's all about focus.  Do I want to live my life focused on my death or my life?  Do I want to live my life defeated or "more than a conqueror"?  It's all about choice.  Live your life fully because that is what God wants you and I to do.  Live your life hopefully and with the full assurance that he has indeed "gone to prepare a place for you and me."  Live your life with faith that what he has said is true and that we will not have to be restrained by these physical bodies.  Live your life!  Live your life!  It's always your choice.

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