Friday, November 21, 2014

The numbers don't lie!

     Study shows that 100% of those who are living will remain imperfect today and every day until they die.  Study shows that 50% will never admit they are imperfect and 50% will accept the fact but reject the personal responsibility.  Sometimes it's fun to state the obvious just because we need something to take the edge off "real life."  Being oblivious to the problems may help you remain off medications.  However, over stating the problem calls for rational thoughts and no outward action.  There are those in our world who make problems, solve problems and are a part of the problems.  All of us fall into one of these three.  What part are you?
     "I know you are, but what am I" proclaimed Peewee Herman when others laid their problem at his feet.  We all know the type.  At least I hope we all know the type.  Okay, I'll simplify this for all of us.  We are all hypocrites to one degree or another.  In my studies to obtain  my degree, I had to take several Statistics classes.  I don't like math at all.  What I learned in those classes is anyone can use numbers to prove their point.  That includes whether the "point" is valid or not.  So, we need something we can fall back on.  Something that has authority, has been around for a while and has been proven to be true through  many years of testing and retesting. 
     The Bible falls into this category as the longest running predictor of behavior based on past reports.  The Bible also forecasts the future behavior of the same subjects (us) with 100% accuracy.  Not bad for a time tested study.  So, why do so many become adversarial when confronted with Truth?  Studies show....  Yes, we have studies to verify or deny studies in every way known to man.  We are a people who shun personal responsibility as long as there is someone or something else to attach our failure to.  Here is a clue: "Denial is not a river in Egypt."
     But what feeds denial?  What is so powerful in us that we all dip our toes into the water called denial?  We all know the answer to this but since we are being up front and honest I've decided to make it simple.  There is probably a study out there for this one.  We don't like looking at our sin.  It's that simple.  Which brings complexity upon our selves.  By it's very presentation we know that our unwillingness to take or accept personal responsibility is paramount to our denial of our sin.  Yes, studies show that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. 
     Sometimes when backed into corners we call sin by other names.  We call sin "justification" and "rationalization".  If you put a tuxedo on a pig, it's still a pig and will return to the mud it loves.  Justification and rationalization are means for us to avoid the personal responsibility of sin.  How many times have you heard or said, "He/she/it made me do it."  "It's the way I was raised."  I only did what someone else in my situation would do."  There are a ton more sayings by which we deflect our personal accountability.  But... You say...  They won't...  You get the idea because I've just described you and I. 
     Not many of us wake up in the morning and think or say, "How can I sin today?"  I think there are probably some who might but certainly not me.  Okay, maybe I have thought or said something close to that.  The power is in the confession of the condition and grace of the forgiver.  Statistics show that if you are honest and ask for forgiveness of your sin that He will be faithful and just in forgiving you your sin.  However, this cannot take place unless you have accepted the responsibility of your thoughts, words and actions.  Studies show some of you reading this will wrestle with the subject matter while others will either review their life and either continue to live in denial or accept the responsibility and humbly ask for forgiveness.
     By the way, it's always my choice.

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