Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Henry's obsession.

     Henry is my blue heeler 12 year old dog that has an obsession that knows no boundaries.  Henry love to chase the visible and invisible animals from his area of control.  Last night that happened at 2:37 AM.  Then again at 4:00 AM.  So started my day.  Henry has sat at the bottom of the trunk of a tree for long segments of time  and looked up.  The only problem was there were no animals in the tree.  I watched for some time before I discovered the source of his attention.  The maple tree had it's seeds going off the tree and helicoptering slowly to the ground.  He sat there for a long time I imagine trying to figure out if they were friend or foe!
     Henry can go from zero to eighty miles an hours in seconds.  He is unable to be amongst people without his tail wagging continually.  This habit is second only to food and treats.  In human ways, e would be ADHD.  For those of you with ADHD (myself included) the picture is all to familiar.  Henry is also of the frame of mind that he is a lap dog.  He's 45 pounds!  He does love to sit with anyone on the couch.  You would be compelled by him to like him and to do his biding.  With all of this going on in his life we wouldn't change a thing.  Well, maybe the hours he was barking at the invisible strange sound.
     When it comes to behaviors it is often said that owners and their pets compliment each other.  Their looks and actions mimic the owner who is most connected to them.  Henry is so opposite me that you would be left thinking he has been adopted.  Despite our training and successes in that area, we still have disobedience.  No matter that we feed him, provide shelter for him and protect him, his only response to us is thankfulness.  So, love us he does.  It's been said if you wanted to find out who loved you more, your wife or your dog you should put them both in the trunk of a car for 2 hours and then let them out.  See who is happy to see you!
     As I look at my life and give credit where credit is due, Henry gives way more than he takes.  But that's his chosen task.  Unlike cats who are psychopaths, dogs are happy givers for the most part.  Both of our dogs, Henry and Buddy, are security in our world.  They love us and we love them.  So, you might be thinking, what's this to do with Christian walk.  Everything.  In the 3rd paragraph I basically outlined how God sees us and does for us.  We are supposed to be thankful, appreciative, happy, and successful in all areas of our life.  God provides us ALL of our needs and many of our wants without so much as a complaint.  Yet, we act like we are deprived children throwing temper tantrums on the floor.  Well, maybe only on the inside.
     God sees the intent and the focus of our hearts.  We are unable to hide anything from God.  He sees us as transparent much like we see Henry and Buddy.  The difference is God wants us to be more like him.  Our habits living with God are shown to the world.  If we aren't living for God, our lives of selfishness are also visible.  Jesus talked about carrying for the vine.  We are that vine whether we produce or not.  However, God is the gardener who prunes the vine cutting away the dead or diseased.  As a friend of mine once said, "If you don't feel close to God, guess who moved."
     Today, try to live life for God in every way you can.  Remember that God tells us he will never put on us what we cannot bear.  He also said that he will never leave nor forsake you.  Getting back to God, when we walk away, is one step.  Ask for grace and choose that which is right.  He's waiting for you and I.  Nothing more and nothing less.

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