Thursday, November 27, 2014

On being thankful!

     I feel like writing today all in caps so you can hear what is said!  I won't though because that would throw off my typing!  I know, selfish of me!  When and where I grew up kids from an early age were shown how and told to write thank you cards when they received a present.  Upon growing into adulthood (numerically) most of us have carried the tradition and also do the thanking in our individual lives.  The current and previous generation I have a problem with.  In order to be thankful we need to think, remember, see and participate in life.  When distractions enter into our lives the definition of such words tend o get watered down to the point where we don't recognize what the current generation means when they think, remember, see and participate in.  Let me give you some insight.  First, when a child is solely focused on the TV, games, and cell phones and texting, the 4 things I mention no longer exist. 
     I don't know how many people are offended by what I just said.  I would ask you to just bear with me through this topic to the end.  You might be surprised!  First, is "thinking".  There are plenty of people who choose to go with the status quo in life.  The status quo has been rapidly changing removing the common sense needed to live an individual life amongst your fellowman.  One effect is that we know people less and less and see them in groups or classify them in groups.  If we don't break free of this trend, we will be enveloped with a "group" and lose our sense of individuality.  While we may associate with a certain group, we need to be an individual as the world is enriched by those who do.
     Second, is remembering.  There are countless times that people have shared their ignorance and lack of memory by that which they do not know.  Whole nations and groups of people deny that the Holocaust happened!  Can you believe that?!  What will it take for us as individuals to pass on that which we know?  It's because of what we remember that we strive to keep our individuality on the path our forefathers pointed us.  Thousands of people have died to make this a free country.  Not only free, but the envy of nations where freedoms are not offered or guaranteed.  Do you remember why we had the Revolutionary War?  How about the Civil War?  No, then maybe the World Wars?  These men and women should be remembered for what they gave to protect our right to speak and life free in our country
     Third, we need to see.  I mean physically see.  I saw a commercial lately that depicts kids in the car with parents on vacation and the kids are all either watching a video, playing video games or texting as they drive by an incredible countryside in our wonderful nation.  If they don't see it, they don't and won't appreciate it.  Just as there are those who have seen the pictures of the Holocaust, there are those who have visited the sites and seen for themselves that the truth has been preserved.  It's not pleasant but it's still something seen and believed to be the truth by many.  It's just as important to see that which we like as it is to see that which we don't like.  Our memories should thrust us forward in having the life we do.
     Fourth, we are called to participate in life.  If we ignore the existence of life outside of our phones, TV's and video games, we miss it all.  Texting has changed our culture by allowing us instant communication with others.  Quick, short, and distant communicating compared to actually face to face communication deems that we try and understand how our lack of participate f2f has derailed our relationships.  Going outside and looking at the world for yourself should draw you into participation with the world.  You can't have a snowball fight with yourself.  You need and I need to have human touch in order to continue participating with our fellowman in life.  Participation is not pressing the button on a remote control, phone or video game.  Participation is knowing the people you love as well as those who disagree with you.
     I'm thankful for today.  It may be the last day I have.  I am thankful for the people who enrich my life daily.  It may be the last day I have.  I am thankful for the country I live in and enjoy.  It may be the last day I have.  I am thankful for the love people have given me even when I don't deserve it.  It may be the last day I have.  I'm thankful for yesterday, today and tomorrow if God deems it okay to not take me home.  Today may be the last day I have on earth.  I'm thankful for the promise of the rest of my life in heaven.  What are you thankful for?  Think about it, remember yesterday, see what is around you,  remember to participate as you are part of a larger picture.  That larger picture is altered by the choices we make...forever.

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