Saturday, November 22, 2014

A matter of prospective

     How we understand things determines the direction our lives take.  We are all born and raised in ways either inherited or learned from those before them.  We all put our input into our generation and hopefully improve the standard of living for those we love as well as those around us.  That doesn't mean any of us are necessarily right or wrong.  It just means we have a different story.  Sometimes that story is good and sometimes that story is bad.  That's not debatable because it is a truth everyone holds.  It's a way of life that we continue to live in our prospective.  Everyone else's prospective is in front of us whether or not we choose to see.  It's a complex world and there are very serious issues we come up against every day.  How we understand things determines the direction our lives take.
     Whether we like it or not the world is at war with us as we are at war with them.  "Us" and "Them" exist just as we exist to and for them.  Who we are and become are discovered through the process of analyzing our world and responding.  There are two bunches of people in the world.  There are  those who believe in God and those who don't.  Not that the unbelievers don't believe in anything but rather they do have beliefs they rely on.  What you make your god out to be makes all the difference in the world.  Within the AA tradition your "higher power" can be anything you can put in front of yourself for a focal point.  I don't believe that having a door knob as your "higher power" can affect change in any of us.  What we look at and how we respond defines the lives we live.  As such, the world is skewed in one way or another.
     The point is we cannot do life on our own.  It just doesn't work.  I know this will burst some peoples bubbles but we can't live in a bubble for very long anyway.  Additionally we set up both ourselves and others into believing something that may not be true at all.  It's not that we have chosen a certain perspective but rather we are living out what someone else has defined life to be for themselves.  Should natural growth take place we will find that most people use the past as a stepping stone or bridge taking us to a different path of growth and being.  If you were raised in the most terrible of conditions or the greatest of conditions, you (and I) will one day find ourselves at a crossroads.  It's here that our decision takes us off the path and onto a different path of our own choosing. 
     In that choosing there are paths that are right and paths that are wrong.  Depending on our perspective, we make our choice and either choose to embrace or repel that path.  We determine the moral compass of our own choice as well as those we wish to have in our lives.  We don't live their life for them but do live our lives in a manner that they choose to be involved in our journey or not.  I cannot, and you cannot either, choose for those who are in my circle.  I can, however, cause them to look at their world from our perspective.  Don't believe me?  Look at how we raise our children or interact with children if we don't have any.  We collectively look at the path of our kids in such a way that our journey is accepted by them.  When they reach their age of self discovery, they choose how much of our path they want and how much they don't want.  What we think, say, and do is very important not only for our journey but also the journey of others.
     God says that we have a choice.  That choice is to do what is right or not.  That choice is to think what is right or not.  That choice is to see what is right or not.  And then to do it.  The choice leaves us with either a positive or negative prospect in life.  God has made a way for our life through the life, death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus.  We can choose to let God live in and through us or not.  It's always your (and my) choice.  Choose God's perspective and live or don't and die.  The choice is yours. 

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