Saturday, November 15, 2014

Indecision is a decision.

     At revival meetings with Billy Graham people are asked to "come down front" as a testimony of their decision made when they stood up when asked to if they had chosen Jesus. The "act" of standing in response to the request amounted to the individuals choice of living for God.  The "act" of coming down front was a testimony of that decision.  There are many of these "acts" in our daily life.  We are a witness to our world that Jesus is Lord.  So, what's missing?  What's missing are all those who made the decision of indecision.  Just what does indecision cost?  I think indecision is the greatest thief of our witness of who is Lord of our life.
     We rarely take into account the effects of indecision.  The number of times we could have helped someone but made the move to inaction.  For instance, not stopping to help someone in need on the side of the road.  We could do it but make no move to do anything but ponder the plight of the individual with need.  Indecision is a cause of apathy in our lives.  Apathy equals indecision.  Do we want to be remembered as they person who didn't....?  Yes, you could pray for the person.  There is no cost to praying.  You could make a call to send help to the person.  There is little cost for the call.  Or, we could simply decide to do what Jesus would do. 
     Indecision means I don't believe my faith enough to bet on it.  It means we have engaged the world of excuses (indecisions fulfilled) and rely on them more than the Spirit of God.  Indecision has set many an individual on the path leading to hell.  Their indecision baring them from being in the presence of God.  Yesterday 3047 abortions took place.  These were decisions made based on an indecisive life.  No decision equals no responsibility.  We have a world that accepts and even encourages indecision.  I'm sure that all of us have practiced indecision in our lives.  Sometimes we live the rest of our lives having missed the moment.  We haven't risen to the challenge of God and someone has missed the moment of salvation
     The regret that follows further incapacitates us and we become ineffective on most, if not all, of the areas of our life (Christian or not).  Regrets form a pocket of "guilt" in our lives.  With each regret we compensate with shame.  Shame eventually causes deeper regret or repentance.  Which of the two are in our lives is a decision we make or is made for us.  Is your life filled with moments of regrets?  I still have a few that hang around.  Sometimes I let Jesus take care of them and sometimes I use regrets to bring raise their ugly heads and make my faith ineffective.  Whether it's indecision or regrets or guilt that run your life; it's not the life God has for you. 
     We have decisions to make.  They are weighty and very real.  What decision we make has the power to create or destroy your witness.  That would be the witness when you chose to do what God has for you to do.  Don't let our telling God "no" be the direction of our lives.  There are very real needs that God wants to meet through you and I.  Should we rise to the occasion, we will hear those much sought after words:  "Well done thou good and faithful servant.  Enter into the favor of the Lord."  Go ahead and risk!  What do you have to lose?  We are either part of the problem or part of the solution.  Decision making based on God's word is best choice. 

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