Friday, November 7, 2014

A sinner like me...

    Our world is ready, able and committed to making Christians look like the most troubled and dangerous people on planet Earth.  We don't do bad helping them accomplish their goal.  I understand that the Bible tells us to be set apart from unbelievers.  I even understand the command to not be unequally yoked in our marriages.  Where and when do we decide the line to not be crossed comes to play?  If we had to wait until we were perfect to have an effective witness; no one would ever hear about Jesus.  Purpose would disappear and Christianity would go away replaced by religiosity.
     In my book, While I Was Yet Sinning, I address this very point.  We are a fallen people who cannot make it through a day without sinning.  We have raised the bar so much for everyone else so that we can make it under the bar for where we are at.  Christianity has become more than simply putting our faith in Jesus.  It's kind of like having the move to complete the secret handshake.  We may be able to "wow" others with our life decisions; but we are only fooling ourselves.  We are a fallen people who need to understand that our only focus in life should be Jesus.  When we are known as a fallen but forgiven person, our witness becomes much clearer. 
     Pretending is one of those activities that keeps Christians going.  The first harvest festival I attended was a dress up affair.  People were asked to come in costume and to be ready to find out who was who regarding Christian figures.  What I found were two groups of people.  There were those who dressed and did their role well.  Then there were those who were determined to win by choosing characters who weren't well known.  No one dressed like Jesus or even selected his character to copy.  Interesting to say the least.  As such the lesson learned was that  no one even thought about being Jesus.
     Yet, isn't that what we are supposed to be doing daily?  Being more like Jesus almost seems like a command in many churches.  That is certainly the expectation that God has for us.  Yet, we associate with other fallen characters.  We fulfill that role of "sinner" best because that is what we are.  We are not God and never will be.  We are sinners and will only be perfect when Jesus takes us home.  Yet,  we act like Jesus will never come back.  As Christians, we are told to be more like Jesus every day.  We are to transcend the barriers that others have put up.  However, we are fearful because of our own sin.  Being found out is scary so we don't invite the question. 
     Who are you?  I am a sinner saved by the grace of God through Jesus our Savior.  I should have stopped after the first 4 words; I am a sinner.  This doesn't define what I should "do" but only what I am.  The definition of what I am shouldn't prevent my life from showing Jesus to my world.  What would the world be like if Christians actually took the command of Jesus seriously.  Remember that he gave only 2 commands.  The first was to love the Lord God with all of our being.  This command includes the first 4 of the Ten Commandments.  The second was to love others as God has loved us.  This encompasses the other 6 of the Ten Commandments. 
     Surrender of our will and way of thinking will enable a sinner like me to be Jesus to you. 

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