Friday, September 1, 2017

Challenges of being a Christian in the world

     "Be in the world but not of the world."  Much used famous words of Jesus.  How do you do it?  How do you be in the world but not of the world?  Even the great theologians have expounded this to death with no definitive answer.  The church operates with the opposite reaction.  Instead of being in the world, the church encourages it's members to be set apart and to not engage the world.  It can be rather confusing when the cart is put before the horse.  There are some assumptions we need to put out there to understand this quandary.  First, the beginning quote was for people who had already chosen to surrender their lives to Jesus.  Second, they had already been brought out of darkness and were living in the light.  Third, they had turned their backs on the worldly ways.  From there Jesus gives the mandate that we are to be in the world and not of the world.  The non-believers remain dead in their sin and firmly entrenched in the world and it's ways.  The Christian has a choice to either have both feet in the world or no feet in the world.  That doesn't mean we don't waver in our faith or the expressions of our faith.  This simply means that those Christians with feet still entrenched in the world haven't counted the cost of following Jesus and are living a compromised faith.
     We who believe teach others what we believe. The question that comes up is "will there be faith when Jesus returns?"  Not in a church manner but rather an individual faith.  Faith is the substance of things unseen yet believed.  Do you believe that there are two sides to this war?  There is God's side which we know has already won.  Then their is Satan's side that knows they have already lost.  The world is represented by Satan while the Christian is represented by God.  However much we surrender to God determines that percentage we still leave for Satan.  Don't like to hear that you may be serving Satan and his cause?  Then do something about it!  Believe in God, his Word, and his Holy Spirit.  Approach the throne of God boldly and then live your Christian faith boldly so that others may see and believe.  It's that simple.  Why do we make it so hard?  Believing, for the Christian, should be a no brainer.  We have a faith that says we believe in God, in Jesus dead and resurrected and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives guiding us on the narrow road which leads to an eternity with Jesus in Heaven.
     It's my choice and your choice that determines what we do with the world while we live and work in the world.  That choice either brings people to know Jesus or pushes them away.  The kingdom of God has come.  The victory has been won.  The Christian has no fear.  Opps!  No fear?  Yes, the Christian has no fear of the world because the love of God pushes out fear.  They cannot occupy the same place.  How much love and how much fear do you have?  Haven't arrived myself but know that there is more love than there is fear.  Well, I'm fearful of heights and spiders!  I'm not fearful of man nor his ability to kill me.  I'm alive in Jesus since surrender and will be always.  Not much the world can do about that but throw obstacles in my path to take me off track.  Satan is alive and well and he wants you to be a compromised Christian.  One who keeps one or both feet in the world and only part of themselves in heaven.  The Bible holds the key.  Read it!  It's always your choice.

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