Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Just where did the summer go?

     For beginners, I really don't know the full answer to that question.  My focus, it seems, has been to move from one thing to the next and try to not drown is everything swirling around me.  I'm here and it's the beginning of fall whether I like it or not.  The Proverb says, "Idle hands are the devils tools." and from the looks of it the devil hasn't had much access to my personal life.  Heaven knows I've given him lots of opportunities.  It seems like yesterday that the rains of winter here in Washington were coming day after day after day.  Then we began to relish the lack of rain and the sunshine.  Now we are desperate for rain.  Are we always this unappreciative?  The world is going to hell in a hand basket and we're worrying about having rain?  My yard has survived and so have I.  Maybe I have been so busy that I haven't worried about the next day.  Maybe my busy life has consumed me to the point that I don't focus on yesterday much at all.  Maybe I've been about the Lord's work and been content in doing what he wants...well most of the time.  The summer is gone until next year and I need to get on with life.
     I have had hand surgery twice this summer and have substituted other's postings or writings when I was unable to type.  Been out of state twice.  Once to be with and minister to a friend.  The other to spend time with my sister and her husband helping them out as he has late stage cancer.  There were projects worked on and of course others started and now in process.  I've shared the grace of God where I could and screwed up other opportunities given to me.  The summer is gone and there is nothing I can do about any of it.  I can get up and live this day for Jesus.  That would mean spending time with Him, listening to Him, and being obedient to His will for my life.  Not always easy when I still want control of so much of my life.  My youngest child turns 17 in a few days.  Where has the time gone?  I don't feel the 64 years that I am.  I don't think like I'm that old and certainly don't act like it!  You see, if you don't pay attention to yesterday and don't worry about tomorrow, all you have left is today.  Today.  That's it.  Today.
     I've read about people who have their schedule planned out for the next 3-5 years!  I'm not that way.  I know that there will be activities, events and appointments from time to time.  But to put in ink our lives for 3-5 years is insane.  Did you remember to schedule time for what Jesus wants you to do?  Probably not.  Jesus is the kinda guy that acts in the moment.  Whatever the Holy Spirit tells you to do whenever he tells you to do it, and however he tells you to do it comes by in a split second and is gone almost as quickly whether you act upon that instruction or not.  There are no seasons and time doesn't exist for God.  There is only NOW.  What we do with that now is either a testimony for the love of God or a testimony for the love of the world and the devil.  Don't believe that?  Try reading the Bible.  Better yet, schedule some time with God and ask Him.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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