Thursday, August 31, 2017

Some good news for a change.

     Good news is there.  It's just hard to find some days as there is so much bad news.  Let's look at some good news today.  You (because you are reading this) and I (because I'm writing this) have been gifted with another day!  The sun is shining everywhere even though you can't see the sun because of the clouds.  The clouds make for cooler weather which in turn makes working outside an easier task.  Good news abounds within our lives if we will only take the time to reflect on the good.  For instance, I have a place to live, vehicles, dogs, and people who love me.  God has given me food from the land and from the grocery stores when the land isn't producing.  God has given me the knowledge to build a greenhouse for fresh produce every month of the year.  The chickens do the same.  I have an abundance of clothing (it's time to purge and clothe the homeless and less fortunate) and baseball caps!  I have all of my senses (well sometimes my wisdom is lacking).  I can feel, taste, see, hear, and all the other senses that tell me that I'm alive.  I have been given family and friends who are wonderful!  I haven't hurt myself in over a week!  That's not only good, it's a miracle!
     There are Christian business people who are there to help with their specific trade.  God has brought very good tradesmen to me when I've needed them.  There are good Samaritans all over if we take our eyes off ourselves long enough to notice.  There is a gentleman who for the past 3 years I know of has been picking up trash on the streets around his home pretty much every day. There are so many places that offer what less fortunate people obtain.  Sometimes it's the common everyday items and sometimes it's something greater like housing and transportation.  There are good people who live to do good to and for others.  Often they are silent and in the background.  I'm able to be Christ to my world every day!  Can't say that I always succeed but the opportunity is still before me.  God has given us the Holy Spirit so that we can listen to what is important to the God who loves us so much that he sent his Son to die in our place for our sins.  That's really good news!  Then of course there is Heaven!  How much better can it get than going to live with Jesus?!  You see, there are positives all around us all the time.
     It was good news that King David danced, sang and played instruments in his underwear returning home.  Odd, but good.  Jesus took time to gather together the little children showing the world that it's not all about adults!  The apostles all rejoiced when they were sent out by twos and came back with positive results!  The woman with a bleeding disorder recognized the power of good when she touched Jesus' robe.  The widow was blessed when her son was raised from the dead.  She relied on him as she had no one else.  The stories go on and on of the positive and good news throughout the Bible.  One only needs to read the Bible!  Now that's good news and the Bible is in multiple languages, braille, on tape, on video, and written so that all of mankind can read it for themselves.  What would happen if we were ALL (Christians) to only see the good today?  Would our lives and the lives of those around us be better?  I think so.  But, remember that it's always your choice.

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