Thursday, September 21, 2017

The end of the world.

     I wonder if you have noticed the attention one man is getting for predicting the start of the end of the world this Saturday?  Never mind that I have so much to get done by then, I'm not really ready for the end of the world.  The nerve of some people.  I don't really believe that the tribulation will begin on Saturday the 23rd of September.  The Bible is clear that no one but the Father knows the day and time.  I do believe that we are in perilous times and need to get our house in order.  For Christians that means living for Jesus fully in every aspect of our lives.  Here is the kicker for Christians.  We have the kingdom of God within us in the person of Jesus Christ.  Once dead, the end of the world won't kill us.  Our lives began the moment we chose Jesus to live within our hearts, souls and minds.  They won't end.  They can't end.  That's what the Bible says.  The world is dead.  It has been ever since that fateful day in the garden.  The world died that day and it's only through Jesus that life can be breathed into anything dead.  That requires surrender.
     I met Melissa a couple of weeks ago.  She was asking for help with firewood for the winter.  She has cancer and is 34.  Since then I have learned that she is having her second bout of the same cancer except this time it's invasive.  She will have surgery on the 26th.  She is alone except for some friends and family.  Her husband has left her unwilling to be there through sickness or health.  I offered to give her some wood.  She was surprised because she didn't believe that would happen.  She has no money.  Yesterday she texted that she needed help with a clogged drain so I went and unclogged the drain.  She was still a bit dumbfounded as to why I'm helping.  She doesn't get it (yet) that this is what Christians are supposed to do.  She doesn't know my last name, but does know that I am praying for her.  How many times over the past year has she considered that her world was ending?  For those without Christ that thought must always be lingering in the background.  If we don't let Jesus live through us, others won't be able to see him and believe.
     For today, the end of the world has always been in place.  Without hope there is no future.  Without faith mankind perishes.  Without salvation there is no means to live in Heaven when the end does finally come.  Questions should pepper our minds like raindrops on our windshields.  Like, "Do my kids know Jesus?" "Does my spouse know Jesus?"  Does my extended family know Jesus?"  Do my neighbors and co-workers know Jesus?"  "Do my enemies know Jesus?"  That's the only important question to have answered today.  If others don't know Jesus ask yourself if it's because you haven't been Jesus to them.  You will never know what being Jesus to others creates unless you actually do something.  If you don't do something, think something, say something then your life is no different than the dead persons life.  Ever think of that?  Remember that when you are done thinking you still need to choose to do something.  It's always your choice.

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