Monday, September 25, 2017

Christian AD/HD

     What is that?  You might be asking yourself.  It's fairly common and actually most who call them Christians have this disorder.  It is treatable and people can be free from this disorder if they really want to be.  Let's not mistake this from the world's definition of AD/HD.  They are similar but quite different in the end run.  Attention deficit is the first part of the equation.  Books have been written on the subject over the years but basically say the same thing in regards to symptoms and treatment.  When someone has attention deficit they are not zoning out.  They are overwhelmed with all that's going on in their minds.  One book is titled: "You mean I'm not lazy stupid or crazy?"  That's the world's take on someone with AD/HD.  Fortunately, this stereotype is untrue.  There is more to say on this later.  The second part of the equation is the hyperactive part of the disorder.  Some people who have AD don't have HD.  Unfortunately, there are many who do.  Hyper activity is present even if it doesn't show in a person's actions.  One can be HD in their minds as well.  I've likened AD/HD to a bingo selection device that rotates around and the balls only touch the top of the order one at a time for very brief sections of time.  What has all this have to do with being a Christian with the disorder?
     For beginners, the world has programmed us to look at things like this as a negative.  The exact opposite is true.  This can be and is a very positive thing in the lives of those who recognize what is going on and know how to utilize that very thing for their and others benefit.  The Christian is no different.  Paul says we are all part of one body.  One person for that and another person for this.  Kind of like the balls in the bingo bin.  For any given moment the Christian must be willing and available to do their part in the body.  Yours is going to be different from mine and vice versa.  The Christian has been categorized and regulated to specific tasks by mankind.  For instance there are Sunday school teachers, choir members, deacons, and on the list goes.  No one bothers to take the time to realize that they are all part of the same body and capable of doing more than just what the church has dictated.  This is where we get busy and HD but do nothing for Jesus.  AD/HD for the Christian works only when directed by the Holy Spirit.  In order for that to take place, one must be surrendered first to Jesus and then to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  Once in place, the AD/HD can be used for the glory of God.
     What to do?  Well, there are only two choices.  Engage in the world's view of AD/HD and remain helpless and deceived into believing that there is nothing you can do or you can engage in God's view and become "all things to all people."  Wow!  Now that's a revelation.  The more I engage the world the less I engage God.  The more I engage God, the less I engage the world.  Makes complete sense to God so why doesn't that make sense to Christians?  This time on earth is not just for ourselves.  This time on earth is to bring glory and honor to Jesus by being his disciples in the truest sense of the word.  Being not only available but also willing to die to self that he might live through us is the only way the Gospel can be brought to those who are perishing.  Surrender isn't a "partially" trait for the Christian.  Surrender is breathing life into our dead bodies.  Surrender is breathing Jesus in while breathing his love for mankind out.  What do you do with your life?  It's always your choice.

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