Sunday, September 3, 2017

Lots to think about but only one thing to do.

     I once was witnessing to a man who was the father of a close friend.  He was open to hearing the gospel and knew that what I was telling him was true.  He admitted his not knowing Jesus.  I asked him if he would like to pray and receive Jesus as his Savior.  He said,  "I'll have to think about it."  I replied to him, "When you are done thinking you still need to make a decision."  He laughed and commented that he just wasn't sure he wanted to give up on his life just yet.  There is no bad time to surrender to Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Over the years I've had the privilege to share the Gospel and to pray the sinners prayer with many people from children to the elderly.  There were those who didn't want to pray.  They weren't done doing what they liked.  I tried to explain that in Christ they would be free from "things to do" and have so much more taking place in their lives.  Here I am still witnessing to people and praying that they receive Christ.  There is not always time to think about it but when you are done thinking you still need to do something.  You need to make a decision of either embracing or rejection your Savior.  You make the choice whether you spend eternity with the God of the universe or whether you spend eternity with Satan in hell.  Remember it's your choice.  You can't blame the lack of decision on anyone but yourself. 
      "Don't spoil their fun." I heard the woman tell her husband as she dressed the kids in demon costumes for Halloween.  The man told his wife that this wasn't what God would like them to teach their children.  "It's harmless."  she said.  You see, the world has taken our thinking and replaced it with rationalizing and justifying.  "Everyone else is doing it."  Really?  The decision to marry and to have children is a sacred gift from God.  Both of the choices.  We are then charged to help the Christian couple raise their child in the family of God with Godly principles based on the Bible.  The Bible gives us the chance to stop thinking and begin doing what God wants instead of what man wants.  So, you want your children, spouse, friends, co-workers and strangers to choose hell because it wasn't or isn't convenient for you?  When you are done thinking about the choice you make, think about the cost of being Jesus' disciple.  This is not a life for the weak of heart.  The is for the ones surrendered to the power and indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  Don't think, do something.  Jesus warns us in several Scriptures that the lukewarm he will spew out of his mouth and say, "I never knew you."  Well done thou good and faithful servant." won't be heard by many who have taken the time to think and choose to live as the world rather than as a man or woman of God. 
     The world is full of messages that we know to be untrue.  Like, "God won't send anyone to hell."  No, he won't.  He has given you the free will to make that choice yourself.  Remember that no one can make the decision for you.  "God is in all of us and we are one in him."  Nope, the Bible doesn't say that either.  What it does say is that there is but one God and you and I aren't him.  We are to be part of the body of Christ in whatever capacity you find yourself.  For my sister who is confined to here apartment, she worships there.  Every day I might add.  For many on the mission field, where they are with the people is where they worship.  Some people like to think they are part of the body of Christ but live so separate from the message of the Gospel that they only fool themselves.  When you are done thinking, you still need to do something.  No one will stand with you before the Father when you are being judged.  No one will be there for me either...except Jesus.  Will your, your children's, your spouses, your family, friends and co-workers have their name written in the book of life because you believe in Jesus?  When you are done thinking...remember, it's always your choice.

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