Saturday, September 16, 2017

As for that personal pronoun...

     For many people this is a very serious issue.  For me, it's not.  I'm a Christian and my personal pronoun (if it's a pronoun) is "His".  I am saying that because it appears the PC world has gone nuts with self identification.  The Christians life is (or should be) about Jesus and being His.  There I said it and the world didn't end!  In this world there are really only two identifications that mankind can be placed under. The first is God's creation.  The second s Satan's defining us as "self".  Two very different focuses.  Imagine standing before Jesus and trying to tell him that you are "self" instead of His.  That's what Christians who don't practice what the Lord has deemed us to do.  What is that you may ask.  Jesus has told us to 1.  Love God.  2. Love others as we love ourselves.  Not quite the difficult subject many make it.  What would the world do if Christians actually denied self and lived a life focused on Jesus?  Would there be so much controversy?  Would "self" survive?  Perhaps the non-Christians would still live for self but the Christian shouldn't.  For the Christian being PC correct means we are "His."  That's our identification as we died and Christ began living in us.  Dead in our sins he came to us and we made a decision on the facts.  We chose Him.  So, why don't we live like we mean it?
     The world is all about self identification.  We surround ourselves with beliefs, people, and whatever is important to support our idea of self identification.  Maybe you are defined by the full size advertisement of your favorite team on the side of your car.  Perhaps you are defined by having the best lawn on the block.  Then there are those who self identify by being either the bad guy or the good guy (whichever suits you).  None of them are fulfilling and none will reach beyond the grave.  You may be identified by your income or even lack of income.  You may identify as a cult follower or even what position you have at work.  Some even self identify as invisible.  You can choose who you self identify as.  For me, the self identification issue has long been settled by my choice to let Jesus live through me.  Okay, I've strayed from that over the years and been a hypocrite.  However, should it come down to my dying for self definition or His, I'll chose His every day.  Can we say that in the churches we attend?  Can we believe that going to church or infant baptism really can save you?  That kind of self identification will only cement your choice to reject God and spend eternity in hell.
     Do you remember when you first found out that Santa Claus wasn't real?  How about the tooth fairy or the Easter bunny?  What did you feel when that truth hit home?  Then you grew up and carried on the charade with your children and the grandchildren.  Maybe you knew what was right to do but didn't do that because it was "harmless fun".  Having done that in my past, I now see how wrong I was.  Going along with the masses for the sake of getting along with the masses isn't what Christians are supposed to do.  We are called to be different.  We are called to be in the world but not of the world.  We are expected to die to self (and self identification).  What would happen in your life if you gave up the self identification?  Would those things and that stuff you hold onto become non-issues in your life?  Perhaps priorities would change and people could see Jesus instead of you and I.  Wouldn't that be nice?  The chance to be His centered is here today (began at 4 AM for me).  You have every moment to choose your personal pronoun.  I suggest that choice be His.  However, as usual, it's always your choice.

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