Thursday, July 6, 2017

Just what is the Christian called to be?

     I was reading Matthew 10 this morning and my reading renewed the vision of what I am supposed to be doing with His life living within me.  It's not like I haven't been doing anything for God as I have.  Nor is it because I'm unclear as to what I'm supposed to be doing because I know right from wrong.  So, what is the Christian and me in particular called to be?  Notice that I didn't use "do" and used "be" instead.  It's kind of like the chicken and the egg problem.  Which comes first.  In this case being Christian comes before doing Christian.  Both are my choice as they are yours.  Yet, there are many who "do" Christianity and doing "be" Christian.  To be Christian means we have died to self and Christ lives within us.  To "do" Christian means we are acting on our own will and determining what God can do through us.  The former are saved and the latter are perhaps not saved?  At least they know what to do to become saved and be a Christian should they get sick of trying to run their and others lives.  I think we all know where we are in our relationship with God. 
     In Matthew 10 the 12 are sent out to be Christians to their world.  The directions from Jesus are specific and not cumbersome.  Go, heal the sick, raise the dead, bring their world to repentance for the day has come and the Savior, Son of God, is there.  Quite simple but Jesus goes even further.  He tells the to not take anything with them but the clothes on their backs.  Go into towns, find someone who is hospitable and stay there until the Spirit tells you to leave.  That's it.  Here we are centuries later having difficulty getting out of the house in the morning with anything less that what we consider essentials that are wanted during the day.  We've packed so much into our getting read for our day that we forget who gave us the day in the first place.  So, we have burdened ourselves with debt, problems, and the cares of the world to the point where some don't even parent their own children anymore.  How could this be?  This has come about by those who desire the world more than they desire Jesus.  In order to prove themselves wise they have instead proved themselves to be fools.  In the end, and their will be an end, what have you and I to show for Christ's work on the cross and his resurrection?  What does God see before your day, during your day and at the end of your day?
     Was your day marked with prayer?  Did you respond to the Holy Spirit's prompting?  Were you a witness of his love and grace in traffic, before your co-workers and family, and with those pesky homeless men and women asking for help that you certainly could have afforded.  That is if you believe that God cares for you, them and this world.  Were you able to read your Bible and take time to let God speak to and with you?  How many times did you utter, "I don't have time for this." or "It's not politically correct to mention Jesus."  Did you yield to the traffic around you or did you take the "you can be first after me" approach?  Did you love on your kids?  Did you love on your wife?  Did you love on your neighbor, the widow and the orphaned?  Did you?  What you and I choose to do in life should allow you and I to have peace instead of guilt about these questions.  Do you have the peace of God that passes all understanding?  IF you don't being a Christian, what ARE people seeing in you, around you, and from you?  Remember that it's always your choice.

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