Thursday, July 27, 2017

Amazing grace is simply amazing!

     Grace is not something to be taken for granted or to be abused.  I say that and yet I struggle with being true to my profession of faith in Jesus Christ who provided THE grace that saved a wretch like me.  Perhaps you struggle with this as well.  I find it easier to be thankful for His grace when I'm in line with the calling he has put before me.  When I am tempted I tend to push aside the importance of what it cost to provide grace to you and I.  It's simply not something we deserve but yet need.  Grace comes in the death and resurrection of Jesus.  His grace is necessary for us to die to self and be resurrected by Jesus in this life.  Without which none of us would have any hope except which the world gives.  That, basically, is no hope at all.  We find ourselves offering grace to others only because we have received grace.  Grace doesn't cost us anything to give away just like the love that God has bestowed upon us.  There are no excuses for us to push aside this grace and yet we do.  We pick and choose whom we offer grace to and withhold grace from those we don't like, respect and love. 
     Grace in everyday form might be letting that other car go first, saying please and thank you.  Not making big deals out of no deals, kissing your kids (even if they are older), and so many other ways we take for granted day in and day out.  To make it simple, grace is always (absolutely) positive.  Should you wonder if it's grace you are offering your world, just ask yourself if what you are doing is positive, up building, and something Jesus would think, say and do?  Makes me pause to look at my life.  It's important that you keep in mind that all you are responsible for is giving grace.  Whether others receive that grace is up to them.  More often than no they will accept the grace.  The Word encourages us to exercise grace in all of our dealings with whomever.  Don't like your politicians?  Pray grace for them.  Don't like someone who injured you?  Pray grace for them.  The results are amazing!  People change when they are prayed for.  People change when they are confronted with positive instead of negative.  People change when they understand that God's grace is sufficient for all of the areas of the Christian's life.
     Grace doesn't mean accepting foolishness.  People love to play pranks, tell jokes, and use sarcasm to communicate their true feelings.  Those feelings are NOT Godly and are not grace.  Christians participate in these practices as well.  Telling lies?  Not grace.  Offering conditionally.  Not grace.  Having a selfish heart.  Not grace.  Pretending you are a Christian.  Not grace.  You get the picture.  The next time you are thinking about your life and what you think, say and do, ask yourself whether or not it's grace.  If it's not, repent and go on.  Offering yourself grace is important.  Being kind and understanding with yourself is giving yourself grace.  You and I will make mistakes (called sin) and we need to accept the forgiveness when offered by God and others.  Never find yourself broiled in debates and arguments that are not driven by the Holy Spirit.  Remember that it's always your choice.  Choose wisely.

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