Tuesday, July 25, 2017

All I have is this moment

     The sun is rising amongst the firs in the back of my property  Birds are proclaiming the start of another day.  The grass is covered with dew and there is no wind.  Without the bird noises, there would be total silence.  Well, except for my typing.  I've already made my first sip of coffee.  Sometimes I romanticize that moment.  Maybe you do as well.  I'm reading in the book of Mark now.  Mark talks about Jesus with intimate reflection on his Savior.  He describes how Jesus loved the people and travelled amongst them healing the sick and delivering the demon possessed.  He also describes how Jesus withdrew to be alone to pray.  Maybe it was a morning like today.  The birds he created were making their music and Jesus was talking with the Father.  He talked with me today and will throughout the day.  He hears my prayers for my hectic week ahead of me and it's only Tuesday.  He, like the Father, hears my prayers.  He's here amongst the quiet of the morning.  His presence is welcome and the realization that he has given me this morning once again has dawned upon me.  No pun intended. 
     Life is not to be planned.  I've recently been made aware of that once again.  Events come up that alter our days, months and sometimes for the rest of our lives.  No planning on my part can avoid the intrusions that come with each day.  These are good intrusions simply because they are for the glory of God.  How can I proclaim His glory with so much on my plate?  Perhaps you've asked yourself that same question.  I'd like to say that he has put to much on my plate but he knows my limits and knows my abilities better than I know myself.  The Word says that he will never put more upon me than I can stand.  So, he puts my day before me to see how it impacts my world for his sake.  Not a bad plan on his part.  I've been told it's the coal that is put under intense pressure that produces a diamond.  Guess we are all diamonds in the rough.  Some Christians have put away their piece of coal and chosen to keep the desires and temptations of the world.  I feel pity for them.  They miss out on the wonder of God working through them and the resultant harvest from their good works. 
     The atmosphere hasn't changed here.  This moment has been great.  I have the back door open to let in the fresh air. It's cool this morning but not cold.  The stirring of others in the house tell me that that "moment" is moving on.  I'm amazed that for all these years of being a Christian that God still stirs me in the morning and challenges me throughout the day.  He loves me so much!  When I am still enough to hear his voice and instructions, I am blessed.  Much like Jesus when he went aside to pray.  He talked with the Father!  I can talk with the Father and so can you.  Jesus has made this possible by his life, death and resurrection...for me...for you.  What we do with this moment and this morning, is all up to whether or not you want to listen to God.  All we have is this moment.  Making the most of this moment determines whether we see the day from God's perspective or the worlds perspective.  I'll take God's perspective.  Remember that it's always your choice.  Choose wisely.

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