Sunday, July 9, 2017

I found a short cut!!

     We all love short cuts.  They are part of what makes life easier for us.  We anticipate them in fact.  When I cranked up my computer this morning I activated several short cuts that quickly brought up on screen just what I wanted and needed.  Maybe you have short cuts on your computer as well.  I have short cuts for cooking, doing laundry, driving here or there, and so many other things that I believe most of my life is filled with them.  Short cuts are good.  Except in one area.  Yes, you and I know that Christianity doesn't have any short cuts.  The Christian life is to be lived on the straight and narrow road and salvation is only through Jesus.  No short cuts there.  In fact the Christian life is a very simple one where no short cuts are needed.  How is that you might ask.  Glad you asked.  When we surrender to the Father and place our lives in Christ's very capable hands we are on the short cut to heaven.  We don't have different levels of living in order to be there like some religions.  We don't have to spend our time wondering if there is a shorter way.  Many have chosen to not believe and don't think they need this short cut.  They've taken the short cut to hell.  Remember that it's always their choice. 
     When I was a gardener my boss, Pete, showed me how to trim trees to look like they had never been touched.  In my time as a police officer I found short cuts all over town to take to get to emergencies.  When I spent time as a pastor there were short cuts that made excellent use of my time.  As you can see and probably experience, there are many different short cuts in our lives.  What happens when we don't have the insight to take the short cuts?  Not all short cuts are good and some are downright bad.  For instance you check the oil on your car so you don't damage the engine.  We don't leave stuff on the stove and just let it do it's thing because the outcome may be uneatable.  We don't let things go unattended in our yards because we don't want the property to become a weed infested mess.  I've learned plenty of lessons by error over the years.  More than I'd like to admit.  My life has been a mess off and on because of my errors.  You and I may choose to learn lessons the hard way.  Hopefully we will get wise over time.  The Bible says that there is only ONE way to have salvation from our dead and fallen life.  Only by the name of Jesus can mankind be saved.  Remember it's always your choice.
     I can't do life by myself as a human and as a Christian.  No one can.  We all need the help of someone sometime somewhere.  The enemy seeks to be that someone and wants us to take his short cuts in life.  Enjoy yourself with food, drink and merriment.  Nope that doesn't work.  Solomon tried that and was left wanting.  He discovered that his faith in God was the only shortcut needed.  Through out the Bible men and women of faith have attested to the reality of the heavenly short cut and it's necessity to live a Godly life.  They have been focused on prayer, reading the Word, and making their lives all about Jesus.  Did I mention that none of them went without?  Their every need was met and often more.  God is waiting for you and I to get done with our worldly short cuts so he can cut loose the blessings of heaven that he has stored up for all of us.  Don't believe me?  Read what the Bible has to say about it.  Don't take my word for it.  I'm not a short cut.  Take the yoke of Jesus upon you and his burden will be light.  He waits for all of us to pick up his cross and carry it.  When we do this we have nothing else we can pick up, attend to, or be otherwise distracted.  Our hands will be utilized for carrying his cross.  His cross is taking care of the orphan, widow and those in need of healing, salvation and the blessings of God.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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