Saturday, February 6, 2016

Why Christians ignore the war.

     Unfortunately, most Christians won't have a clue what I'm talking about.  They might think the topic is about the conflict in other countries or even the past wars our country was part of.  The Bible tells us that in the end times there will be wars and rumors of wars.  I believe that.  I also believe that the worst of the physical battles is yet to come.  Armageddon will be the final battle.  BUT we, believers, know the outcome of that battle.  We need not fear.  Our personal war has also been won and is over regarding our salvation.  Jesus finished that war on the Cross.  We've offered our surrender without condition and are his followers.  Yet, we are fearful and defeated when it comes to fighting the good fight and winning the prize.  The language of the New Testament and of the Gospel in particular is what we war against.  We fight eating our peas and beans even though we know they are good for us.  We fight a war against God because somehow we've been convinced that we know best.  If that wasn't bad enough we teach others to do the same.  We fight disciplining our kids and let them off the hook in fighting the fight as well.  Making excuses for not being sanctified is a full time job for many pastors and their flocks.  Yes, there is a war and the Christian is not only ignoring that war but often fighting for the enemy. 
     The Bible tells us that we have an enemy greater than our brothers and sisters in Christ, bigger than any army of the world and certainly greater than what we can deal with on our own.  That war is against principalities, powers of darkness and what we allow Satan and his demons insert into our lives.  If we don't stand for something (it's been said) we will fall for anything.  Sugar coat the lie and it looks just like the truth...except it will keep us out of heaven.  The Bible is full of stories of God's intervention on behalf of the prayers of the Saints.  The references to the fight between the heavenly beings and the demons let loose on earth is frequent and graphic.  There is an invisible war going on but we ignore that which we do not see and do not see that which we take part in.  Have you ever seen evil in your world?  If you are awake in any sense of the word, you have.  Where do you think that evil comes from?  What do you think would happen if you stood up and fought the good fight for the glory of God and the salvation of man?  Rather than do the gospel according to me, let's look at the Gospel according to Jesus.  There is where the real war is being fought.  Jesus, when tempted by the devil, quoted Scripture.  Here we see the model of what we are to be like in this war.  We cannot stand alone or without the Scripture.  Without God in the front, there is no offense.  Without God in the rear there is no defense.  Without God on either side our flank is vulnerable.  But, the Word says that we are surrounded by the heavenly host who fight for us and against the darkness of this world.  Do you believe that?  Your life depends on that answer.
     We wrestle not against flesh and blood but the powers of darkness.  For many Christians the wrestling is done on TV and not in their lives.  Today's prosperity gospel and watered down understanding of the Bible only fuels many to believe that there is no war on their soul.  You can believe anything you want but the truth is still there and it's the Truth that will set you free.  Free to do what?  To do your own thing?  I pulled up alongside a car that had a Darwin sticker on it's trunk lid.  I looked at the elderly man in the drivers seat who was ignoring everything buy the stop light.  God spoke to my heart and asked, "Steve, do you really care whether or not he is saved?"  Then he was gone as the light had changed.  It caused me to think again about why the Lord has us in the world and hasn't taken us home.  The Rapture would be an easy end to the war for most of us.  Snap! Gone!  Sitting at the buffet in heaven.  But what about your kids, my kids, the neighbors, our relatives, friends and even our enemies?  What would the war have done to them?  What would the Rapture have left them with?  Whether or not you want to ignore the war is up to you.  What you do with your personal war is up to you.  You and I have been handed the full armor of God to use or leave in our closet.  It's up to you and I to choose this day whom we will follow.  There is a war going on and you are participating by fighting or running away.  It's you choice...always has been.

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