Monday, February 15, 2016

Disasters everywhere! What to do?!

     We live in a world that is full of alarmists both true and false.  Some are alarmist just because they like to see people react in unrealistic ways.  Our media feeds us with ads and shows that depict the gullibility of mankind.  And we in turn fuel that message.  There is a little "chicken little" in all of us.  We may not like to admit it but it's true.  Though the sky isn't falling, we still are repeating the cry of the wolf.  You and I fall into the spectrum which operates in our personal and global community.  Between the eternal optimist and the extreme conspiracy theorists there is enough fodder to keep us going for quite some time.  For instance, Elvis is alive.  Well, no, he's not.  We didn't go to the moon.  Well, yes, we did.  Optimism and paranoia come from the same tree.  We are optimistic about that which we want and paranoid about that which we don't want.  We have faith in the optimistic while there is little faith with the paranoid and their thinking.  Boiling it down to the issue of faith, we find the Christian in a world governed not by the grace of God but the abyss created by man. 
     The Bible lays out the signs of the end of time for man on earth.  We don't pay attention to them from a healthy Christian perspective.  We use those signs to condemn this or that group.  We use those signs to justify our actions and inaction's.  We use those signs to talk about "them" and to make ourselves feel better about ourselves.  We have pathetic lives because of this behavior and thought pattern.  Yes, there are wars and rumors of wars.  Yes, there are earthquakes and natural disasters.  Yes, there is a movement in the world for one world church and one world government.  Yes, there is the talk of the microchip in each of us being the sign of the beast.  However, none of it really matters if our mindset isn't God focused.  When we focus on my, our and your world we miss the point of the signs of the end of time for man on earth.  One of the key prophecies is that the Tabernacle needs to be rebuilt on the Dome of the Rock before Christ comes.  Until then, we need to have a God focus and not a human focus.  Though many of the prophecies of the Bible have been fulfilled (600+ by Jesus' life alone), the end is not here.  What to do?!
     The more appropriate questions is not "What to do?" but "Why aren't we doing something?"  We are not here on earth to let the world "just happen."  We are not here on earth to let someone else do the work of Christ.  We are not here on earth to point fingers.  Do you know why you are on earth?  Do you know what your place is within the body of Christ?  Have you made the choice to have Christ the center of all of your life or is Christianity just something you do on Sunday morning (unless there's an important sports game on.).  Having the mind of Christ should compel us to action in word, thought and deed.  Should you not be producing the fruit of the spirit then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution.  Not being what the Lord wants you to be in the world you are living in isn't helping matters.  Playing part time Christian and having part time Christian lives coupled with part time focus leads to no time for Christ.  Part time Christianity is an oxymoron.  You can't catch fish without the essentials.  You need to do something.  It's essential to do something.  I can sit in my chair and talk about fishing all day long.  If I don't go to where the fish are then I won't catch any fish.  If I go to the fish and don't bring the bait they won't bite.  If I don't put a worm on the hook they won't be caught.  You get the picture.
     What to do?!  Do something!  Don't just say things.  Do things!  Don't just think things.  Do something!  Don't just go through the motions.  Do everything to the glory of God.  Do.  Do.  Do!  The disasters in our lives, families and world won't be addressed with the best of intentions, wise words or even good thoughts.  You and I need to do something.  Not just anything, but something that God wants us to do.  What would that be?  He wants us to let every breath we breath, every beat of our heart and every action of our hands to be His.  Sounds like we need to have a revival of our hearts.  There are disasters everywhere.  Don't focus on them.  There are distractions created by well intentioned dragons (preachers and Christians who have the alarmist attitude).  Don't focus on them.  Read the Word, apply it to your life and the lives of those you interact with.  What to do is always your choice.

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