Monday, February 8, 2016

Amazingly stupid things Christians think or do.

     Where do I start?  Was it the conflict between Cain and Abel?  Maybe it was when Abraham told others (twice) that Sarah was his sister.  How about those crazy Israelites continually going back to false gods.  Peter telling Jesus that he would never deny him is one of my favorites.  Paul pulling the citizenship card to avoid death?  You see, there are some really incredible stories in the Bible.  I've only listed a few.  Samson and Deliah, David and Bathsheba, and other couples have added to that group.  So, whether you are an individual, couple or group be ready to admit it when you do something that is stupid.  "Groups?" you say?  Yes, groups.  Remember the middle ages and the crusades to force people to believe or be killed?  That was a Christian movement.  Not a movement God would approve I think.  Common sense is so rare these days that it's considered a superpower.  Ignorance of Scripture and the ability to apply same to situations and choices fall between the cracks of irresponsibility and assumption.  Rationalization and his sister justification almost complete the group and individual categories.  Somewhere, somehow, we all fit somewhere in the aforementioned categories. 
     In all fairness, there are reasons why we come to the place called "stupid."  First, we learn how to be stupid.  We certainly weren't created that way according to Psalm 139.  Secondly, we practice what has been shown or modeled to and for us.  Thirdly, we move to a place where the learning and practice become the rule instead of the exception leaving us with a new definition of who and what we are rendering "stupid" to another class or group of people.  Think not?  Somewhere along the line (I think it was in the garden) we made the first mistake and began thinking.  We wondered about the forbidden and rationalized and justified until the forbidden was made to look or appear as an intelligent choice.  Then we taught others to believe the same way.  They, in turn, taught others as well and suddenly sin became okay and even encouraged so that we could feel good about ourselves.  It's a slippery slope that all of us wrestle with every day.  Should I do this?  Can I do that?  Thinking this or it wrong or right?  Who are you to hold up the standard of right and wrong? 
     In 1962, I believe, they took prayer out of the schools.  Mistake or good choice?  Shortly after that they took the ability of parents to parent and discipline their children away from parents giving power to the children and schools.  Then they decided that the schools should teach sex education because parents certainly couldn't do this task as they were neither up to date or forward thinking.  Progressive is what they called it.  From there it morphed into our children (yes, children) being able to have sex with the school's permission and provision of condoms.  When a child became pregnant at whatever age the law was changed and that child could be sent to have an abortion by school counselors without parental knowledge, consent or intervention.  Those same school counselors cannot give my child an aspirin without my consent.  Make sense?  No, it doesn't.  Yet, the Christian allows all of this to happen to their children, families, communities, states and nation.  Because it's intelligent?  No, because they are living with the new "stupid" and thinking it's okay.  By the way, this isn't a rant, it's the truth. 
     This was just one example of the metamorphosis of thinking and the deterioration of mankind.  Adam and Eve had the chance to live happily ever after in the garden.  They didn't because of their choice.  Yes, they were tempted.  They didn't need to yield to temptation.  God had provided everything for them...everything!  Abraham didn't need to tell others that Sarah was his sister.  Yet he did because he was afraid.  Afraid of what might happen to him.  Would he be killed so someone could have his beautiful wife?  Abraham didn't believe that God could protect him.  David wasn't satisfied with all that God had brought into his life.  Bathsheba wasn't either.  Why was she there at night out in the open bathing when she knew that David would be strolling in the area where he could view her?  Why was David so blinded that he had her husband killed just to have her?  Because David and Bathsheba were wanting something they couldn't have.  They didn't believe that God could ever meet their wants even though he had taken care of all their needs.  Hopefully you are able to get the point. 
     We have the chance to be intelligent now and every day of our life.  It's our choice.  We will have to answer for every idle thought and every deed and word when we stand before God in heaven.  It's our choice whether we represent stupid or the love of God.  Sometimes, no all the time, we need to stand with what is right rather than bow to that which appears to be right but is wrong.  That's smart.  I've said, done and participated in some pretty stupid things in my life.  None of them were ordained or directed by God.  They were in defiance to God.  They were selfish and destructive to those around me and to myself.  Today I have a choice to do the right thing.  Will I?  Will you?  It's our choice to stand with God or against God.  There are no other choices.

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