Friday, February 12, 2016

What you think say and do is everyone's business.

     We have grown up in a time and place where the world tells me that the title for today is untrue.  We are told that what we think, say and do is private and none of your business...especially in Las Vegas.  Our world is so private and public at the same time that it drives people crazy.  The thought of our government being "transparent" causes many to roll on the floor with laughter.  Yet, there are some things going on that are not laughing matters at all.  We parents are told that the school nurse needs our permission to give our child an aspirin but we have no right to know that our daughter is pregnant, getting a divorce and someone from school will be accompanying her to kill the baby.  Our workplace, homes, and social gathering places (even online) are marked by the power of the secret.  The Bible tells us that God knows the sin we keep in our secret place.  We cannot hide from God and neither can anyone else.  I have secrets and so do you.  Let's just get that out of the way right up front. 
     We have secrets because of the fear inside of us.  That fear is of condemnation, judgment and exposure.  What if "they" knew "this" or "that" about me?  Would they react positively or would negatively?  Unwilling to take that chance we harbor our secrets that only God knows.  Whenever we decide to "come clean" there is sure to be someone who will either right away or years down the road revisit the confession and use that confession as power over us.  That's the way the world works.  Power is gained by having "dirt" on people.  It doesn't even matter if it's true or not.  People still want the power that isn't theirs.  I get a kick out of the churches that post on their sign that people should "come as you are."  What would happen if you did?  Charles Sheldon in "In His Steps" explores that very situation.  The person who came radically changed not only him but his congregation as well.  A stranger who was ill came to church, went down front and asked for help.  You see, our churches today don't want to change, they want you to change to be like them.  Truth be told we Christians are to be transformed so that people see Jesus and not some church gathering.
     What the church thinks, says, and does is everyone's business.  Wherever there is manipulation, control and secretiveness, there are problems.  Run away as fast as you can.  There is nothing about Jesus that endorses manipulation, control and secrets.  Nothing.  So, if it's in our "Christian" churches where did it come from if not from Jesus?  That's right, our old enemy the enemy!  Satan goes about seeking whomever he can devour.  Is that you?  If you are trying to be like Jesus you are a threat and will feel the sting of his attacks.  If you are not trying to be like Jesus you are not a threat and he moves on to others who are effective Christians.  The church has fallen and embraced, as Hal Lindsay says, "doctrines of demons."  Harsh words but true words none the less.  Where do these church rules come from and to whom do they benefit?  Are they meant to proclaim the Gospel or the gospel of that particular church?  Same goes for us.  Do we proclaim Jesus or do we proclaim our version of Jesus.  Do we water down the Gospel and the work of Christ or do we embrace it in it's fullness?  People do care what you represent in what you think, say and do.  Satan does as well.  Are you a threat to his domain, this world?
     I'm a hypocrite and know that I'll be a hypocrite every day of my life to either a tiny degree or a major degree.  It's called my sinful nature.  I'm unable to be totally free from sin because of my imperfection.  You are no different.  The Bible says that "ALL have fallen short of the glory of God." That is no excuse for stopping the sanctification process.  What if you were totally transparent to others with your life?  Does that scare you?  What's the power behind your secrets?  Fear of the rejection of man is greater than the fear of God in so many of us.  God wants us to know that we are loved, accepted and approved just as we are.  This is from God who knew us before the foundation of the world.  He knew yesterday, he knows today, and he knows tomorrow.  The Bible tells us that we can approach the throne of God with confidence that we have a loving Father there waiting for us, his children, to return home.  Which do you want?  Do you want to keep your secrets and fear of exposure?  Do you want the love acceptance and approval of a loving Savior?  It's always your choice.

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