Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Listening and hearing are different.

     They are different in ways perhaps you've not thought of.  Listening has an interactive sense to its function whereas hearing is perceived as intake of information.  Listening is work while hearing is not.  Listening is intense, intimate and inclined to make one think and feel. Hearing is function and not much more.  Listening is something we can use to go deeper in relationships.  Yes, even with God.  Hearing is intake of information but little else than we need to function.  Have you ever been in a conversation where you are giving answers to questions asked and note that the person who asked isn't even listening?  There is that glazed over look their eyes, they don't have an emotional connection on any level and their stance says, "I'm not here."  There is a good chance that what was more important to them is the question they asked than the answer that they asked for.  Rhetorical questions are frustrating especially when we are trying to move through a topic in a fashion where we want to have closure.  Ever been in a meeting where committee of one heads for the door when they are done?  They may have heard but they aren't listening.  They expect you to listen yet they don't reciprocate. 
     I've done a LOT of reading over my lifetime.  I used to read therapy books and say to myself: "that describes so and so."  Reading books with others in mind isn't listening, it's hearing.  Just a different focus.  When we are involved in communication where the other person is always the center of attention our needs aren't listened to.  People hear what they want but demand others listen to what they say.  In order to really listen there is a need to be aware of who and what we are first.  We filter everything through our past.  Definitions are taught by parents, social circles, education and experience.  Those definitions direct us in our lives as we grow into adulthood.  The person who repeatedly listens to people saying they won't amount to much; won't amount to much as a rule.  Those who are praised for what they do and dream of doing, are more apt to do just that.  We teach our children to hear when we should teach them how to listen.  Reading books with a focus on bettering me makes me more able to listen and to encourage others to listen.  Jesus lived a life where those around him listened to him.  The religious authorities lived a life where others heard them but didn't have a need to listen.  See the difference?  When we listen with a heart of concern and compassion, people listen in return.  When that atmosphere is set in place people want to listen to what you have t say about Jesus.  Those who just hear and don't listen turn are ignored for the most part by those who are perishing.
     We have several capacities that God has given us to listen.  He has given us a heart, soul and mind to listen with.  In order to listen with each we must first listen to the Holy Spirit speaking to our heart, soul and mind.  The first commandment is for us to "love the Lord God Almighty with your whole heart, soul and mind."  Wow!  What happens if we do?  Our lives are changed.  If your heart, mind and soul aren't listening but only hearing, your life and circumstances will not change, people will not see Jesus in you and you will be ineffectual in the world.  Just where Satan wants you.  Listening and hearing are different.  There is no doubt that when we listen change takes place.  Why?  Because we are looking to change, move forward, do what is right and please God.  Whey we only hear there is no application of the Word in our lives.  We are like the field where the seed falls on the rocks and is eaten up by the birds before it can sprout and produce fruit.  Those who listen are like trees planted beside the streams of water growing and producing.  It's about time Christians determine whether they want to listen or hear.  Of course, it's always your choice. 

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