Monday, February 22, 2016

Rod Serling and The Twilight Zone

     If you don't remember this show, look it up before you read on.  If you remember this show you are probably wondering how it ties in with our Christian Walk.  Read on as well.  There is and always has been a group(s) with conspiracy theories as their main focus.  Why this happened or that didn't happen.  Aliens and microchips from immunization injections.  John F Kennedy being alive and kept somewhere close to Elvis.  You know the things that get said.  Now the Bible is a tough one to even come close to with conspiracy theory.  Have you ever or are you now reading the book of Revelations?  The background is set on the island of Patmos where John is incarcerated alone.  He has previously been judged guilty of loving Jesus and was to be killed by boiling him in oil.  Didn't work!  So, he's put on this island so that he cannot "infect" others with his belief in Jesus.  He's there meditating and the Lord comes to him and tells him to write a book about the end of time as we know it here on earth.  John doesn't even hesitate.  He takes pen in hand, parchment available and writes what he is shown.  He's asked to describe to a first century world what a 21st, 22nd or later century will be seeing, hearing and experiencing.  He is watching the future!  Wow!  I don't think even Paul had visions like that in prison! 
     Now that you have the scene set, you know why there is Satan's competition in the realm of the unreal.  In order to keep Christians and non alike not believing what John wrote, Satan brings about different modes of communication about the unreal appearing real.  Remember Orsen Well's "War of the Worlds"?  Aired on radio and was so real the public listening was sent into a panic fearing that the war was real and that America had been invaded by conquering and destroying aliens.  There was panic in the streets as people fled their homes and town trying to find someplace safe.  They believed the deception of a fiction story.  We do that kind of stuff when we don't know but wonder.  We don't know what all is being done behind the scenes from how Twinkie's are made to secret weapons in space aimed at whatever to destroy at a moment's notice.  Our minds run wild with imaginings and fears based on this world's communication and belief.  In the process we lose track of what Jesus said to us.  He said, fear not.  Pretty simple if you believe it.  Really, what do we have to fear?  Nothing if we are believers and everything if we are not.  Just as John conveyed the judgment of the end times, we are to understand that as believers we have the choice of believing that judgment or ignoring the judgment.  The church today has taken the latter stance.
     I can remember as  a young boy watching The Twilight Zone, sitting on the back of the couch, back against the wall watching mechanical bugs climbing up the pant legs of people killing them.  That was in the early 60's.  They have bugs that do that now.  I remember Dick Tracy with his wrist watch radio.  They have those now.  I remember the Roadrunner and Wyle Coyote and his falling off cliffs and surviving.  They still don't have that.  Can you imagine having a show depicting space travel with a space station?  They have that.  Yet, we have little or no interest in what is coming in the way of prophetic events for the world we live in.  We are content to the point of perishing.  There is no urgency to save our family, neighbors, world or even our enemies like there was with the War of the Worlds.  Lassie did a better job than most Christians are doing today.  The dire warnings of Rod Serling with The Twilight Zone were adhered to more than the Bible's warning of those who are lukewarm or have fallen away much less those who do not believe.  What's wrong with us?  Where is the urgency to see people saved?  Why are we more content watching a show called "Lucifer" on TV than telling our sons and daughters that Jesus loves them and died for them?  Because we live in the Twilight Zone rather than the Revelation Zone. 
     What we believe, take into our hearts and minds, and pass onto others should reflect our love of Jesus and not our love of conspiracy theory.  What profits it a man if he gains the world but loses his life?  Whey did we become so selfish and fearful that we don't mention the reason for our hope as we should?  What happens when we get to Heaven and are watching people we knew come before Jesus and find their names were not written in the Book of Life?  That's reality.  What will we think and feel when they look back at us and ask, "Why didn't you say something?" as they walk into hell.  Human lives are at stake and the Christian church does nothing and even makes it easier for people to go to hell.  What's wrong with this?  What's wrong is the choices we make.  It's your choice.  It's my choice.  Don't pretend that your and my choices aren't important. 

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