Monday, May 4, 2015

What to do when you can't do anything.

     I've been told that there is one move we can make that will help in pretty much every situation that we find ourselves in.  That one move would be to take a deep breath and breathe.  Pretty simple you might think.  Try doing that when you have about 1000 mg of adrenaline coursing through your blood veins!  Breathing is still important though.  If we don't breathe, we pass out and sometimes people die because their body didn't get enough oxygen.  When we think about "firsts" in our lives, breathing is one of those "firsts."  The very moment we exit the womb, we breathe.  Okay, we notice the crying more but breathing is evidenced by the crying.  We take breathing for granted though.  We don't have to think about breathing.  Our bodies just breathe as naturally as so many other functions take place.  Except in one area.  We need to consciously need to breathe whenever we consider God is talking with us.  The very idea that God calls my name and wants to talk with me causes me to pause and sometimes stop breathing momentarily as I take in this event.
     The Bible says in Genesis that God "breathed" life into man after he had created man.  Man was created without breath.  It was only when a simultaneously occurring event took place that man, you and I, came to life.  In order to have life we have to inhale life from God as he breathes life into us every day.  The idea that it is God who gave mankind life through a breath overwhelms me.  The God of all creation breathed life into ME!  When we consider the life of Christ we know he was born and that he took his first earthly breath there.  What we don't consider is the finished work of Christ on the cross as Jesus said, "It is finished." and died.  Breath was taken from him.  Not until he was resurrected would he breathe again.  When we are in the womb dead in our inherited sin, we don't breathe.  We breathe when we are born and life springs to full bloom.  When we live without Christ it's as if we are dead and there is no breath from a dead (spiritually) man. 
     I like to fix things.  Not just mechanically but also spiritually, logically and usually with those around me.  It's because I care and I have the tools to do this.  There are things I cannot fix.  My own salvation is one of them.  I can do nothing to save myself much less others dead in sin position in life.  It's at times of knowing there is nothing that I can do that my heart and mind begin searching for a choice of what I could do.  When all is said and done, my job is to pray.  It's said in the Bible that the "prayers of a righteous man avails much."  When we have the breath of life breathed into us as we give our lives to Jesus, we are deemed righteous and without sin.  It is in this "state" that we can utter the prayer needed for God to "fix" whatever has arisen.  Getting out of the way is the difficult part.  I want to do it and God says, "no". 
     When faced with situations where we are stymied, feel powerless, are frustrated, or just don't know what to do; we need to let the breath of life be passed from God to us so that we in turn can pass it onto someone else God brings into our lives.  So, when you can't do anything, don't do anything.  Let God do whatever he deems needs to be done. 

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