Thursday, May 14, 2015

There are some things that just don't make sense...even to me.

     There are so many "Why?" questions in my world that sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in the sea of no answers.  Ever felt that way?  It's not that I need any or all of the answers but I want the answers.  Sometimes I even think that it's my right to have the answers.  What do we do when not only is society is silent but it seems God is also?  I question children dying for most any reason.  I question the good someone does being repaid with evil.  I question the dilemmas posed between Scripture and what is going on in the world.  There are so many situations and questions that just don't make sense.  I've categorized myself as a fairly intelligent and open minded for the most part.  Though some would agree and say the exact opposite; it's my place to feel as I do.  That doesn't make sense to some either.  So, if these "things", "questions", or "situations" don't make sense to you or I, do they make sense to God?
     The short answer is "Yes."  The long answer is that we cannot surprise God and yet we can try his patience, not listen to the answer, or not even acknowledge that He knows more and better than us.  It's nice that God has the answers to all of life's questions.  It's nice that he has a plan for you and I that includes peace, fulfilled needs, and love.  It's nice that others who know Him can speak into our lives when we just don't see the sense in something.  But, it's not "nice" that my heart desires.  It's answers to the questions, situations or things that take place in my life and the lives of those whom I love.  I have PTSD and don't know what my mind is thinking when it triggers the PTSD resulting in actions, words, or behaviors that people tell me don't make sense.  Trust me, they don't make sense to me either.  My baby died.  There is no sense in that.  At least none that I can see.  I'm fat.  Okay, I can see sense in why that is.  You get the picture though.  Sometimes we encounter things, questions and situations that just don't make us. 
     The Bible is full of verses that give us hope.  It's also full of verses that tell us to trust that what we are going through is only temporary.  When we read a verse that leaves us with no answer other than "because I said so." we become frustrated and our world is taken off track.  What we don't see is that the answer to the question may not be answered or the answer may be a long way down the track.  Many times events have occurred in my life where I was left wondering why they had happened to me.  I wonder less when these events happen to others.  You probably do also.  What is interesting is that I allow things, questions and situations to take my life off God's track.  When I am off track, my growth and ability to help myself and others decreases significantly.  In that state my life makes no sense when compared to my life when Christ is in control.  Why do I try to run my life my way when God said he would do the job for me?  It doesn't make sense.
     There are plenty of times I have said or heard other say, "I'll ask God when I get to heaven."  Maybe you have said that as well.  The truth is when we get to heaven we will no longer care about the things, questions and situations that presented themselves here on earth.  Our tears will be wiped away, there will be no more pain and suffering and there will be a dessert bar!  Okay, maybe not the dessert bar but that's a nice thought.  Sometimes God doesn't allow us to have answers because the answers would overwhelm us and work to destroy our faith.  Faith is believing in what we cannot see according to Paul in Hebrews.  When we cannot see the answers, we need to have faith that the world is certainly unfolding as it should.  At least my world and your world.  I can't use the same argument for the rest of the world.  The rest of the world doesn't make sense to me. Does this make sense?

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