Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Don't be de-feeted.

     Nope, this isn't a category on Jeopardy.  It would probably make a good category with all that could be taken from the play on words.  I've encountered many different feet, foot and feat problems in my life.  Some are self imposed while others have been given to me through different means.  They are both positive and negative in nature and don't affect just me and my world.  Just when my life seems to be settling down and feeling comfortable I am rocked out of my complacency with either a challenge to do something or to deal with something.  With such a life I am far from boring and often wish there were less issues in my life on the negative side.
     We tend to take out body parts for granted.  We do this without waking in the morning and saying, "Today I am going to hurt my foot."  None of us intend to participate in negative nor invite negative to happen in our day to day living.  I've been on crutches (physically and mentally) more times than I like to think over my 61 years of life.  My injuries have been both minor and major to the point where I needed surgery on one foot in order to continue walking.  It would seem that applies to most of us.  I'm not one to be slowed down and here I was slowed down by injuries.  Is this God's way of getting my attention and slowing me down?  Perhaps. 
     My walk in life and my walk in Christ both require that I step on solid ground.  I had several trees removed from my property.  They were huge trees that, when felled, left some ruts and holes in the lawn.  So, when I walk over the lawn I need to be careful where I step.  Sometimes I don't look where I'm going and I fall to the ground.  The ground we walk in our Christian life is the same.  It is filled with pits, ruts, holes and some are hidden from view.  I've fallen from walking without looking at the pitfalls that lie in plain view.  It's not always the hidden that trip us up.  The Word tells us that the Devil and his minions roam the earth seeking those of us who they can then devour.  He is a pitfall disguised as many different elements in our world.
     What is ironic about my tripping and falling on my lawn is that is just where God can best protect me...on my hands and knees.  Bringing me down is actually a means to lift me up.  The fall reminds me that I need Him to lift me up.  The lifting up by God is the reminder that he will always be there for me despite what Satan throws my way.  When Jesus had died on the cross Satan thought he had won.  He didn't know that the Son would soon be risen from death.  When I fall Satan thinks he has won.  He didn't know that the Son was risen so that I may also be risen from the fall.  This is the message throughout the Bible.  Fallen man sought by a loving God who wishes to give us life.
     There needs to be a way for our feet to do the walk and stay connected with God.  Ecclesiastics tells us in Chapter 3 that a cord of three strands is not easily broken and that if one has someone to walk alongside the ability to stay on our feet will be easier.  This begs us to have community among believers to the exclusion of the world of non-believers.  When we have the wisdom and strength from God (three strands of a rope Father, Son and Holy Spirit) coupled with the community of believers we have the best of situations while on earth.  It's then that we can truly help each other out of the holes and onto solid ground.  The feat of praying and standing on the Word is essential for me.  It should be for you as well.  Don't be defeated or de-feeted.

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