Friday, March 20, 2015

Just what was I thinking?

     Whenever I think, I get into trouble.  Ever find yourself in those "no win" situations?  For me, thinking is a large part of the cause of problems and situations where we find ourselves one down or maybe even out for the count.  We are an intelligent species who prides themselves on our ability to be top of everything.  However, when it comes to thinking we are at the bottom of the food chain.  You see, it all began a long time ago in an obscure garden with two people, one snake and a tree with fruit.  The snake provoked Eve to "think" and in so doing caused her to make a choice opposite of what she knew to be right.  In her case thinking took her outside of the realm of blessed and she, of course, passed it onto Adam.  Adam was still enthralled with a "woman" :) and hadn't been thinking until approached with the forbidden.  He too began to think and his fall was as great as Eve's.  So, what was there before thinking?  God had created everything including Adam and Eve and presented to them everything they could ever need.  What did he ask for in return?  He asked to be obeyed.  Quite simple until we begin to think. 
     ALL of their needs were taken care of for all time.  God overlooked nothing.  That's the way he is though.  God always takes into account everything and of necessity offers only the best of what we need.  Satan, on the other hand, has nothing to offer that even comes close.  So, Satan offers what he feels we should want, what we are entitled to, what we feel less than if we don't have.  God is good and cannot contain anything bad.  Satan is bad and cannot contain anything good.  God says "I will take care of all of your needs.  I will never leave nor forsake you."  He means it too!  Satan says, "What about me?  What about what you want that you don't have?"  He means it too.  Ultimately this comes down to your choice.  Are you content and feel blessed with ALL of your needs being met even before you ask for them?  Or are you feeling cheated and need this, that or more of everything?  Again, it's your call.  Eve said, "Okay Satan, I'll eat of the fruit."  Adam said, "Okay Eve, I'll eat of the fruit."  Their lives and ours were forever changed from one of contentment with all our needs being met to lives where we are never satisfied with what we already have.
     What would happen if you and I really believed that God takes care of all of our needs?  What if we never found ourselves in a position where we had any need of asking for anything?  What if our days were filled with thanking God for all the blessing he has heaped upon us?  What if we focused only on the love of God towards us?  Would your life be different?  Mine would.  I try to make the leap from time to time with partial success.  It's difficult getting past the programming we have inside of us.  DNA dictates we continually have this temptation from Adam and Eve to be the god of our own world.  If you don't think so try going through one (1) day without asking for any of your needs to be met.  Use that day to be thankful for all that you have been blessed with instead.  We fail to honor God and what he has done for us.  This includes our cheapening the grace of God through Jesus' death and resurrection.  When we try to manage our world we are telling God to butt out!  Not exactly a thank you for all he has done. 
     Here is the key.  We must stop thinking.  God has already taken care of that for us.  No subject that comes up in our lives is unaddressed by Scripture.  Dwell on the Word.  Continually sing God's praise and thank Him for all he has done.  You won't have time to think.  You won't have time to fail as Satan desires.  You are more than conquers through Christ who lives within you.  Live like it.  Stop thinking. 


  1. Great insight into a dear friend and coffee mugs. I agree, the mug is an important part of my morning coffee ritual.

  2. That post was meant for your coffee post, I'm just starting my mug of coffee. I blame satan, just like Flip Wilson...

  3. As you can tell, I am new to this site. I want it to remember my wordpress account and not redirect me to G+ and then post anyway when I don't sign into to googledom.

  4. Thanks for your support, love and friendship. I can't wait to have a cup of coffee with you in person.
