Thursday, March 19, 2015

Has the world gone crazy recently?

     While I would like to say that humans live in a civilized society, events around the world seem to say the opposite.  I understand struggle and desire to be better.  I don't understand those who would take that away.  The world needs answers but only adds questions upon questions that go unaddressed.  Just what should be the Christian response?  That's a great question.  Especially when we have any number of individuals and groups trying to shut down Christianity at every turn.  The times seem to dictate a change in the wind.  Destruction and desecration are more the rule than the exception.  Trust has further eroded and faith has taken major hits from which it's doubtful that mankind will recover regardless of how resilient we are.  The Bible says that our world condition must become worse than it was in the days of Noah before the end and the return of Christ.  One need to only read that account to understand that we are not there yet. 
     Individuals, groups, and even nations are demanding that the Christian and their beliefs go away.  That those who claim Jesus as Lord are to be quiet, roll over and play dead.  Prejudice, racism, bias, and the like are blamed on the Christian resulting in federal courts ordering Christians to do what is against their beliefs and the Word of God.  Yet, the time isn't here and is still a long way off before Christs return.  What is the Christian to do?  Our own nation has risen up against that which is right (Christian or not) and abandoned the concept that our nation was founded on Christian principles.  The very tenor of the populous has been changing slowly and seems to now be accelerating toward destruction.  This much like the frog placed in a pan of water that is slowly heated until the frog is cooked rather than escapes.  There is no hope for the world according to the Bible.  There is hope for the believer according to the Bible.  The difference comes within the interpretation of what the Bible says.  The Bible is clear that all Christians have to stand firm to the message of the Gospel.  The book of Revelation is clear that at the end of days the Lord will conquer evil and the Christian will be rewarded for their stand for Christ.
     Tolerance has become a weapon of the world against the Christian belief system.  The equation is that if we don't abandon our faith we are not tolerating others.  How does this work.  In a society focused on appeasing who yells the loudest versus those who are quiet bastions of the faith it's not hard to see who wins.  Whole groups of people mobilized by their hate of the Christian faith are continually battering those who stand for that same faith.  Eventually something has to give.  If you and I give up our being a new creation in Christ, we have done nothing to stand for Christ or the message of salvation.  Yet, standing for the faith can lead to many levels of punishment up to and including death.  The "crazy" world is basically asking Christianity to go away and for those with faith to give it up or die.  Believe it or not this is all prophecy from the Bible before the time of Christ and even after his coming to earth in order for mankind to be saved.  The bigger question is: "How solid is your faith?"  Would you be willing to die for Jesus?  Would you stand firm in your faith if they killed someone you loved when you didn't recant that faith? 
     If you think the world is crazy now; just wait until tomorrow.  It's got to get worse before it will get better.

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