Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Christian and guilt

     There are several nuisances with the word "guilt" especially with the Christian.  We know that there are times when we feel guilt from our own thoughts, words and deeds as seen before our loving Father.  We know there are times when we feel guilt generated by Satan and his demons who are continually working on us.  We also know that there are those religious people who want the Christian to feel guilty for what they believe.  It was no different when Jesus walked the earth.  He had guilt thrown at him by the religious authorities every time he spoke, did miracles, or taught.  So, what do we as Christians know for sure.  The Bible says that we suffer guilt when we sin.  Pretty simple.  But why do we sin?  We sin because we think more of our life and less of Jesus' living within us.  We honor the connection with the world and disregard the connections that we have with the Father for all of eternity.    We listen to the hierarchy of the world's thoughts instead of relying on the Word of God.  You can see the problems that can rise up interfering with our relationship vertically with God and horizontally with mankind.  Yet, we sin, feel guilt and the tap dance on our head begins again and again.  How do we stop that from happening?
     We could take note of the temptation that Jesus' had with Satan.  Satan quotes Scripture and Jesus quotes Scripture right back at him.  The whole Bible is rendition of events where the Scripture and the power of the Word is constantly used to defeat the enemies of God.  Why not guilt?  Guilt can be challenged and defeated with the Word of God.  However, we need to read the Bible to know what it says, how to react to the Word of knowledge given to believers and how to rightly test the spirits to ensure we know who it is we are doing battle with.  There are those out there who seek to manipulate, control and keep secrets from the very elect so that they may feel better in their sin.  Manipulation, control and secrecy were present at the fall in the garden.  From there we can trace these three tools of the enemy at work over and over.  Why haven't we learned from the lessons learned of old?  Because we, like those of old, fall into the trap.  That's right!  It's a trap.  You shouldn't be surprised if you read Psalm 1:1 which outlines the fall of man over and over.  First you see the believer walking by the area of sin.  Next you see the believer standing amidst the deceived.  Finally you see the believer sitting amongst the sinners.  The end result is compromised faith based on manipulation, secrecy and control.  You have fallen and you are in sin and you should feel guilt.  Time for repentance!
     Go back to ACTS:  adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication.  Once through the process and back on track return to the admonition given at the beginning of today's writing.  READ YOUR BIBLE AND KNOW WHAT IT SAYS!  Read, pray, read, pray, read, pray and then keep reading.  Don't let a day of your life go by without reading the Word.  Don't let a day of your life go by without going through ACTS.  Read, pray.  When the Christian is repentant there is nothing to feel guilty about.  The conscience is clear and the path is clear, narrow and leads to the foot of the cross.  To those who overcome, Revelation says, they will be welcomed into Heaven with a "Well done thou good and faithful servant."  Then you will be clothed with white and you will have eternal fellowship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  On this earth the worst that can happen for the believer is that they die and go to heaven.  That's not so bad!  Think of those without such a great Savior!  Where salvation is, there can be no condemnation.  Where there is no condemnation there can be no guilt.  Where there is no guilt there will be freedom in the Lord to do His work as he lives through you.

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