Monday, June 11, 2018

Christians and intimidation

     Some people think they are the end of the road when it comes to the most expert opinion about your life.  But do they really know about you or do they just think they know what is best for you because it's the best for them?  Peter was forever putting his foot in his mouth.  Like the time he thought it would be a good idea to make a shelter for Jesus and 2 saints who he was transfigured with.  Thought it would be a good idea doesn't mean it is a good idea as Peter found out.  He thought it was a good idea to make a stand and told Jesus he would never abandon or betray him.  Yet in the next 24 hours he did just that.  Not such a good idea.  There are professionals who have knowledge in their area like medicine, law, and such.  Just because they have a degree there is no guarantee that they know anything at all.  Yet, they want others to know how much they are superior to others with lesser knowledge.  In this position they cannot listen unless it's someone singing their praises.  Christians do the same thing.  Not all but enough to give the others a bad rap.  When someone begins to tell you something with the "authority" of their education, standing or whatever, stop listening.  They are pious fools who aren't speaking the love of Jesus.  When someone speaks the love of Jesus you will know it by the humbleness by which it's presented.
     Yet, there are those in the pulpit who bully their way into people's pocketbooks and lives in order to have their wants fulfilled.  Why don't people say no?  Advocating multiple wives and some of them children; why don't people say no?  Making sure people are giving 10% of their income by checking their pay stub?  Why aren't people saying no?  People aren't saying no to these atrocities and others because they have been hoodwinked into thinking they dare not go up against these pillars to the community.  WRONG.  Accountability goes in both directions.  Mine goes to Jesus.  Where does your accountability go to?  Are you reminded that you aren't spiritual enough to challenge the pastor?  That's a lie from the enemy.  The Christian is accountable to Jesus and Jesus lives through the Christian so that mutual horizontal accountability can take place.  In the end all will be accountable for everything they think, say and do in front  the Father.  Will you be found to be one who lorded it over others?  Will you be found to have not listened to "those people" because you thought it was beneath you?  Maybe now is a good time to let the Holy Spirit sweep out your house first and then through you sweep out the house of God.
     Vertical accountability to Jesus will keep you from having the feeling of being intimidated. When you are in right relationship with God you have no reason to bow down to any other entity.  The God of the universe came to earth, lived, died and rose from the dead so that you needn't be intimidated from anyone in the world or in the body of Christ.  If your heart is right with God, you are free from the manipulation that intimidation produces.  So, get right with God, don't worry about others and what they think and say.  Rest assured, the Bible says, that they surely have their reward and it won't be followed by the words; "Well done thou good and faithful servant.  Enter into the joy of the Lord."  Wow!  When we are in right relationship with God we have no guilt and no need to hold back in delivering the Gospel to those who are perishing.  None.  What are you waiting for?  Go forth and make disciples of all mankind.

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