Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Christian want versus Christian need

      The short answer is Christians want everything and they need Jesus.  I could stop there but you know that I won't stop.  Today, I want uninterrupted time to write this blog.  What I need is for my two Boston Terriers to go to sleep.  See how that works?  Today, I need peace that comes only from Jesus so that the Boston Terriers don't affect my ability to function.  That peace comes from prayer, Bible reading and listening to the Holy Spirit.  We live in a day where the distractions begin almost before you get out of bed.  You wake and look at your cell phone instead of thanking Jesus for letting you have another day.  You take care of your personal wants before you thank Jesus for taking care of your needs.  It's not "What am I going to wear today."  It's what will I need to convey Jesus to people.  But, that's what happens.  We are so much more interested in wants than needs that we fail to see that our needs are fulfilled by Jesus.  Our wants complicate the receiving of the needs and being thankful to the Father for giving these blessings to you.  I'm not going into a rant belittling you for your selfish living.  Nor will I lecture you on those less fortunate.  You know both of those subjects well.  With those around us languishing for lack of Jesus and other needs, we sit on our butts.  I've talked about giving away what we have been given.  I'm obviously talking to you the believer right now.  For to whom much is given, much is demanded.  That's all Christians.
     "I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony" doesn't put clothes on the back, food in the stomach and shelter over the heads those who have needs.  Jesus gave you and I much so that we could let him meet those needs through us.  The object lesson is that no one wins if we cling to what we have.  We cannot out give God.  The principle has been outlined in Scripture to give away to others as the need arises and the Spirit directs.  Doing so must be accompanied by a humbleness and the "right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing."  Fulfill the needs of those around you by doing so in such a way that the only person they and others can see is Jesus.  Who knows, maybe you will see Jesus in them.  Often we are entertaining angels unaware.  There is a spiritual realm that we don't see.  It's where the angels of Heaven and the demons of hell battle for the souls of the lost.  It's there where the enemy tells you that your giving doesn't really matter or that someone from your family might like the item.  Because you can rationalize and justify your thoughts and actions, Jesus isn't shared with the lost in thought, word and deed.  You may want to serve Jesus but you need to serve Jesus to others.
     Missed opportunities are gone.  You have missed the chance to meet the needs of someone brought into your path by Jesus.  God gave you something to give away and you kept it for yourself.  Because you didn't, for whatever reason, let Jesus live through you perhaps that person will not be able to meet Jesus here on earth.  All mankind will certainly meet Jesus soon or later.  Later translates to lost soul.  I can look at my orchard and gardens from my chair where I am typing.  I can watch all day long and cannot make a difference in how they grow and produce.  Weeds don't pull themselves and pruning doesn't get done somewhere in the middle of the night.  These parts of my world need attention all the time.  Not because they have wants but because they have needs.  Just as Jesus is depending on you and I going into all the world and to make disciples of all mankind, those who are lost are depending on you bringing Jesus to them.  Failing to do so is leaving the world full of wants and very few needs.  Choosing very carefully, by the Holy Spirit evaluate your life and see if God considers your life one of wants or one of needs.  You have been given insight from the Holy Spirit to not only do this but make the choice to love, accept and approve of people just as Jesus did for you.

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