Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Do you need eggs?

     There are needs of all kinds that we and others have on a daily basis.  Jesus took fishermen and made them fishers of men.  They still retained their old skills and learned a new skill set to do the will of God.  They had needs just like you and I.  He took a tax collector and did the same.  Just why did these men of God give up their livelihood and give all to Jesus.  There's an example found in the observations of those giving at the temple.  Many made big deals out of their giving and gave with the self gratification that all who saw could assume they were being pious.  They weren't.  The widow came and gave two very small coins.  Jesus said "this woman has given out of her need and given all she has.  He did condemn those who gave for their own gratification.  There were many who came to Jesus to be healed, have demons cast out, to be fed (spiritually and physically) and of course have  the dead raised to life.  He gave out of his abundance to the point of giving his life so that all mankind could have salvation through him.  What you have, freely give.  Do you have eggs?  Do you need eggs?  God has them for you.  He has eggs from those who have Jesus living in them.  There is nothing good in any of us except Jesus our Lord and Savior.  He encourages us to give out of our need.  Giving, as such, means we believe that God will meet our needs even if we give all that we have away.  Do you have such faith?
     We, today, have such an excess that many of us don't even know what a need is.  Rather, we live for the wants in our lives while the needs of others go unaddressed.  Christians aren't to be like that.  Christians, who have Jesus living through them, are to give away out of our needs.  What does that look like?  It looks like faith.  Faith that we can't out give God in any way, shape or form.  We may say that God provides all of our needs but do we really believe that?  Do we really believe that God is giving to us so that we can horde all the "stuff" "just in case?"  Do we really need 3 separate wardrobes (one for now, one for before and one we have hopes for) when there are those who have little or no clothes. Do we really need to store up food for the unknown while we ignore those who pick food from trashcans to have something for today?  Do we really need to have money stored up for "retirement" when we only have today?  Do you have eggs?  Maybe you should give them away so that you can have more!  Our affluent lives are an indication of selfishness living in the eyes of those who have little or nothing.  I'm not saying that people shouldn't work if they are able.  Jesus was a proponent of working and he is God.  What gives you the excuse to be selfish and unable to love?
     Defining "love" has been an education for many.  For the Christian "love" takes on a deeper meaning.  Love is a verb and is lived through Jesus and you!  Well, some Christians anyway.  Not all who say Lord Lord will be known to Jesus.  The working definition of love for the Christian is to be found in that single word:  unselfishness.  When we find ourselves in "selfish" mode there is no Christian love moving through us.  Christ came so that we could share the love of God with ALL who need his love.  Giving the love of God away is a bit like using a teaspoon to remove the sand from the beach.  There is so much sand that the task is daunting at it's least.  That shouldn't prevent us from giving love away a teaspoon at a time if that's our capacity.  Everyone can give away the love of God.  If you disagree, you need to read your Bible (maybe for the first time) through the eyes of Jesus.  If you have Jesus living though you, you won't be able to give away all the love he brings to you.  No one can out give God.  Do you need eggs?  I know your neighbor does.

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