Friday, December 29, 2017

What would happen if...

     We find ourselves at war with ourselves when we are in a quandary.  At least I do.  It's not the nicest of feelings and can take me off track in a moment.  What would happen if we were to find ourselves in God's perfect peace and then stay there?  The overwhelming peaceful feelings would be unnatural to us.  We might even reject the peace for what we know for sure.  But, what if we chose to accept God's peace and enjoy living in that space?  The Word tells us that we should be in his peace and yet many are not.  The Lord himself talked about being in his perfect peace.  The world wants to disrupt and destroy Christian's peace.  It may be as simple as a traffic accident or something more complex like the loss of a loved one.  Many issues we have let dictate our day seem to sit waiting to keep us off balance and our eyes off Jesus as we walk on the water.  Being in perfect peace means leaving all that attempts to take it away behind ourselves.  This doesn't happen overnight for most people  We have to get baggage out of the way so that peace can fill our beings.  Some of those things that need to be removed are easy while others make us struggle with letting go.  Take sin for instance.  Sin unconfessed and repented of will always be a hindrance to being filled with peace.  Just because we can choose to sin doesn't mean we should.  Another element that prevents our having the peace of God is our marriage to the world around us.  Being one person in the world and another person amongst the people of God.  Double mindedness keeps us away from God's peace because we cannot serve both the world and God.  If we are serving the world, we are not serving God.  If we are not serving God, we are in no way in the possession of God's peace.
     I've read many books about Christian martyrs.  Talk about the incredible peace of God!  As they stood tied to a post while the fire burned under them eventually consuming their body; they exhibited peace.  Even to the praising of God or singing of the love of God during their death.  Stephen. while being stoned to death, talked about the heavens opening and seeing Christ sitting at the side of the Father.  There is no report of any pain he felt as he was released from this world and into the freedom of the presence of God.  His focus was on Jesus alone.  That's part of the key to living in the peace of God.  Learning to be content in all situations as Paul shared to many churches.  The presence of God isn't something fearful or negative to the true believer.  There is "no sting of death" for those who are anchored in Jesus.  Why is that?  Because the true believer knows who they are in Christ and what to expect when they are called home.  Paul laments, as others have as well, that his wish is to go home and be with Jesus.  I know that's my lament as well.  For to be with Christ is far greater than to remain in the world.  The peace of God that keeps you during your tenure here on earth, will envelope you when you step into heaven.
     What would happen if we actually believed the Bible?  Would we believe that all things work for good for those who are called by Jesus?  Would we believe that all things work for good for those who love Jesus?  Would we believe that miracles happen through us?  Would we believe that Jesus is coming one day to take us home and be ready every moment of every day to meet him?  What would happen if we lived in the present, let go of the past and just focused on loving Jesus?  What would happen if...  It's your story and always your choice,

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