Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Christian and the nuclear winter.

     Did you say to yourself: "This ought to be good!"?  Just what does the Christian life have to do with the nuclear winter?  Everything!  To be clear, the nuclear winter comes after the blast of the nuclear warhead.  That blast takes away everything for many miles radiating out from its center.  Everything but the contaminated earth is gone.  Nuclear winter is predicted to last 10,000 years plus.  So, for the humans on earth that's basically forever.  With the threat of nuclear weapons launch from various places around the globe, we can't even imagine the damage of just one blast much less the many more that could come.  Total destruction.  Mankind has been good at that from the beginning of time.  The beginning of time actually was that moment when Eve and then Adam launched the curse of sin that's still here today. It's man's spiritual nuclear winter.  What's the reason?  Mankind loving self more than God.  That is the result of the detonation of ongoing sin in the believer and non-believers lives.  Once launched no man can stop the impending explosion.  Lives are destroyed and the lost are a reminder of that.  By the way, I don't want a nuclear explosion in real life anymore than I want a mini-nuclear explosion in my personal life.
     We've watched the media manipulate the facts to suit their own purpose and agenda for many years now.  Like the Moody Blues sing, "Just what the truth is we don't know anymore."  The believable becomes the unbelievable.  Church gossip is much the same.  Sometimes it's like we are playing a game of telephone where we quickly listen and quickly pass on what we've heard.  The truth becomes distorted and obscure if it's present at all.  The nuclear explosion of not caring is one of the most difficult problems for mankind.  I don't care if you attach that element to the believer or the non-believer.  It's just as devastating.  Because we don't care about the souls of others, we convince ourselves we don't need to care about them.  We become distracted by everything but the Great Commission.  That's a nuclear winter we are living with.  Souls are being lost because the world has told us it's not right to live what we have chosen to believe so that we don't offend anyone.  Jesus offended many and said that our faith would do the same thing should we decide to live our faith.  But then we need leaders who believe the Gospel in order for this to take place.
     Jesus said that he is coming back to take his people home.  That's not the end of the story.   For those left behind life will get increasingly worse and worse.  The wars will rage, people will be destroyed, and the devil will have his hay day.  Then the end will come with the Savior returning to earth to defeat the enemies of God.  Now THAT will be a nuclear explosion!  I wish that wasn't going to happen.  But that's what the Bible says in great detail.  Now ALL are standing before the God and will be judged (we are told) for the very words and thoughts we've had.  If we haven't been practicing surrender to God and letting him do the thinking and speaking through us, we will have great anxiety before God.  Imagine it's your turn before the Father. You, like everyone else, will be kneeling before God acknowledging he is God.  He looks at you and that conveys all you need to know that you have fallen short of the glory of God.  All have sinned.  To those whose name isn't found in the Book of Life there is, by their choice, an eternity in hell.  It's like a hot nuclear winter.  You and I are standing there and it dawns on us that we didn't tell them about Jesus.  We, because we believe in Christ risen, don't get what we deserve because of the blood of Christ.  THAT'S what protects us from the nuclear winter.  But, (and there's always a but) it's always your choice.

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