Sunday, November 5, 2017

Reading between the lines...not Christian!

    We are living in a society and world mind set where everything is questioned, challenged and up for new interpretation.  It's sad and sometimes brings up the anger inside of me.  My life and yours gets challenged as authentic to the world because of our Christian stance.  Traditional family structure is tossed to the wind and it's everyone for their own pleasure.  Little do they know but God put blessings in the proper traditional family structure when he created the family.  We can't read between the lines and interpret for our own pleasure what the picture looks like.  That's where we find compromised Christianity.  Reading between the lines is sitting on the fence or building a structure where we can stay.  Safety and pleasure becomes the rule rather than the exception.  There are many who claim Christianity and pick and choose which Scripture supports them or they interpret supports their sin.  Reading between the lines has its beginning in Genesis with Eve and the devil.  He says, "Surely you won't die if you eat from the tree?"  And the human race has been in between ever since.  I've been guilty of this more than I'd like to admit.  This stance can be found in any of us who choose to rationalize and justify that which we know is not of God.
     Whenever you and I come up against something in the church that goes against what God says, we can see people and groups reading between the lines.  Should we as  a Christian person or group do nothing?  No!  We, as Jesus said in Matthew, are our brother's keeper.  We are to encourage our brother and sister to return to the straight and narrow and not condone their living in between the lines.  Thomas Jefferson claimed to be a Christian.  A Bible of his shows how he lived in between the lines.  He had cut out whatever was offensive to him.  Likewise, the Bible tells us that we are to not add to or distract from the Scripture.  If we do, our names can be subtracted from the Book of Life or the plagues can be added to our lives.  In either case, there are many denominations and cults who feel that living in between the truth and the lie is perfectly okay.  BUT, not if you are a believer and disciple of Jesus Christ.  Being Christians means we aren't anything else.  We can either live as risen by the Lord Jesus and having eternal life with him or we can make a choice where he tells us "Depart from me.  I never knew you."
     People are hungry for relationships and that hunger leads them to compromise what they expect in other Christians.  We are supposed to represent Christ.  We are supposed to engage and be part of those who represent Christ.  So why are we spending time with people who don't represent Christ?  What is it that causes us to just go along with the those Christians living a sinful life believing what they think, say and do to be okay?  I'd like to believe that I've reached that place in life where all people see in me is Jesus.  That hasn't happened.  Maybe it hasn't for you as well?  Paul tells us to put the past behind us and to press on to that goal of being in Christ Jesus.  The more of me that is dead to self is reflected on who people see in me.  You as well.  If people see Jesus there will a seeking to know Jesus and not be justified in their behavior as I justify my living in between the lines.  Living in between the lines is always less than what Jesus wants for us and to do through us.  When living your life in private or public we have the choice to choose Jesus or the world.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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