Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Chapter 12. It is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 not jealous

       We just covered what the “real possession” is within our lives.  It is the career that God has called to all who call upon Jesus as Savior.  I almost hate to use the word “career” or “calling” for something our hearts should be glad about.  In other words, the love of God should be a natural outcome of surrender.  But are we consumed by the love of God?  Do we even know what it means to be consumed by God?  Is there anyone out there who has fully surrendered their lives to God?  No?  Well, I guess I must be in good company.  On to reality.  While we should be consumed by God, we are not because we still have distractions that we think we need in our lives.  Some of them are righteous and others are sins.  Regardless, we need to examine ourselves and determine if our relationship with God reflective of our calling?  When considering our Christian lives; are we fighting a losing war?  Let me give you some good news.  The Lord has won.  He said, “It is finished.”  The “losing war” has already been won!

       I find it very interesting that the Desiderata connects “real possession” and “changing fortunes”.  What significance does this have for us?  Our calling should be from God.  The real possession of our life should be our calling which is from God.  Since the world around us is constantly changing; our calling should be steadfast and ongoing.   Basically, we are called to be in the world but not of the world.  Being in the world with our calling is important to God.  He wants us to be moms’ dads, teachers, truckers, mechanics, secretaries, CEOs, and any other vocation your calling may be associated with.  Perhaps you are a coach or student.  The presence of God in our lives is essential for bringing the Gospel to all the world.  There are motorcycle gangs that are witnesses for Christ just as there are pastors who live out the Gospel with the homeless.  Being a nurse can bring healing in many ways with the ultimate healing being life in Christ. 

       When reading the Desiderata, the “real possession” phrase jumps out at me.  I love to barter and most often get some real good bargains that I have no intention of ever giving up.  There are so many ways to hold onto these possessions.  The first one is by seeing the possession.  Looking at the possession embeds the picture in my mind.  Whenever I think about the possession I bring up the visual aspect and “look at it” from my memories point of view.  One such possession I will use as an example here is a beautiful steel broad sword with a leather scabbard.  The handle is leather bound and has a decorative hilt.  The cross bars where the hilt and the blade meet are dark steel and very strong.  Everything on the sword is straight and true.  But there is more.  The first smell I hold onto is a memory also.  I take out the sword from time to time and pull it from the leather scabbard.  The leather smells wonderful!  It’s a simple scabbard and the strong smell of leather emanates from it.  The steel also has its own metal odor mixed with the light coat of oil.  Being able to smell, like vision, is a very nice blessing from God.  God didn’t stop there when he created mankind.  He also gave us a sense of taste.  No, I didn’t taste the sword.  What does happen on occasion is my mouth waters thinking about something wonderful.  Likewise going without water can result in a much different parched taste in our mouth.  Seeing and smelling followed by taste are just 3 of our senses we utilize daily.  Feel is very important in two senses.  The first one is physically feeling an object.  When I take the sword out I grab it by the handle and instantly feel the metal shape and the wrapping of the handle.  The cross bar nestles onto my thumb and pointer finger.  I take my other hand and take hold of the leather scabbard.  The smooth texture of the scabbard is easy to grasp and feels like an old friend; known and trusted.  As I draw the sword from the scabbard I hear the “sing” of steel against leather and a slight ring of the blade as it exits the scabbard.  Swinging it through the air I hear “whoosh” or “swish” of the blade cutting through the air.  When I put the sword away, the sound of steel sliding inside of a leather scabbard visits my ears.  The resounding thud of the cross-bat seating on the scabbard ends the sensual odyssey.  I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the emotional side of the sword.  The emotions that come to the surface for me are courage, strength, justice, and protected.  The emotional impact along with the physical makes a complete picture within us.  The experience has also rested on us and becomes a familiar friend.

       So, it is supposed to be with the experience of Christ in our lives.  Do we take all our senses and bring them into the presence of God?  Do we surrender our senses to God so that he may be manifested to the world around us through them?  Just as the Christian is the sum of the total parts of the church; the senses are the sum of the total Christian being.  What would happen if every Christian boldly and wisely brought Christ to their world with all their senses?  Would people “see, hear, feel, and taste” the love of God?  Or, would they encounter some other sense that is the manifestation of the world and what it represents?  Depending on what is surrendered and how much is surrendered will determine the sweetness of Christ or the bile of the world.  Even as a long-time believer I have presented the bile of the world all too often.  So, the next day I get up and try again.  James 4:17 says: “if you know what is right to do and don’t do it, you sin.”  There are only two real questions for us to consider. The first is determining whether we have given up our self and surrendered our life to Christ to live through us.  The second is determining what God wants our lives to be to the world around us.  Have we chosen Christ and are we sold out to His will? 

Salvation is a real possession given by a real God. Likewise, you and I have a calling even if we call it a career.  The “real possession” in that “calling” is grace so abundantly offered to us.  Our task then is to pass on the grace to others which brings glory to God. I don’t care if you are an ironworker or pastor.  Everyone needs to accept the gift of grace from God through Jesus Christ and then follow him in the totality of our lives. I feel sick over all the lost chances that have come my way to share Christ when I’ve chose not to.  It’s not that every conversation needs to be around being saved or being a Christian.  We needn’t put ourselves and others in that kind of prison.  It’s been said that people don’t care about how much you know until they find out how much you care.  I’d like to say I am a caring and knowledgeable Christian.  Unfortunately, there have been many times in my life where I have acted in ways other than Christian.  So, when I pen these lines please keep in mind that I, like the church, am on a path of discovery and surrender.  None of us is perfect.  Those who think they are perfect are perfectly wrong.  None of us can do perfection. 

I went to a beauty school yesterday and met Cassie who would be cutting my hair.  She obligingly asked me what kind of cut I liked.  I told her, honestly, that she should consider me a blank slate and to do whatever she thought best.  She didn’t believe me!  After pursuing the subject for a few moments, she decided I wasn’t kidding.  She did check back with me several times during the cut and my answer remained the same.  Because of my posture she was able to do what she was called to do and had the responsibility to not do that which would not be good.  I was even given a beard trim.  Cassie was able to have several items checked off as approved by her instructor and I had a terrific haircut.  When we have our lives stopped by God and restarted in Christ there is a certain amount of time before people will believe you that the change is both real and maturing as we grow.  The haircut was absolutely first class.  That’s what is expected of us as Christians even in the presence of adversity.  Our world has taken a turn that brings negative consequences when we talk to co-workers about Jesus.  We have such a “loud” witness in so many ways (five listed above) for people to see, hear, and ask about.  People should be able to see a Christian and say, “there is something different about him/her.”  Hopefully they don’t mean something negative.  If we are presenting the presence of Christ in our lives people can and will see Jesus.  What they choose to do with Jesus is their choice.  That doesn’t mean we cannot pray for them. 

       If we are tapped into the grace from God and not tapped into man’s idea of grace; then we won’t be jealous of what others have, do or become.  Jealousy has had several names over time.  It’s been called the “green eyed monster” and “selfishness” to name just a couple.  In the world of justification and rationalization the world takes jealousy and makes it a good thing.  Jealousy is not just something that occasionally trespasses in our lives.  Jealousy is a one-way trip to sin.  There is no need for jealousy for the Christian for we are complete in Christ.  We lack nothing.  All our needs are taken care of.  I wish it was that easy!  However, simple and easy is not the way of most Christians. The manner of which we compare is the fertile planting ground for the seeds of jealousy.  They begin small and innocuous bursting to full grown jealousy in what seems like an instant.  Sin has been in us since we were conceived in our mother’s womb.  It takes little to activate sin our lives.  Those same senses we mentioned earlier are what feed the sin in our lives.  Those same senses surrendered to God weeds the garden so that all that is left is a Christian who can bear fruit for God.  Just because we fell off the horse we don’t need to believe that we cannot ride horses.  We are a sinful man fraught with sinful thoughts and actions.  We are going to fall.  We are going to get back up again.  Jesus patiently helps us up, dusts us off and sends us down the road to do his will.  He sends us without baggage.  We go dragging our baggage behind us.  Satan loves that as it makes his job of distracting us so easy.  He wants you and I distracted from the calling and mission.  That way others won’t be reached for Jesus.  He is such a phony! 

       Our lives are enhanced when we first do his will and secondly associate with his people.  There is no question that every influence the world has is surrounding us every moment of every day.  Everything we take in remains lodged in our brains waiting to be brought out in a negative way by Satan.  Likewise, those thoughts are also waiting to be used by Christ.  Jesus wants the world to know that he understands them all personally.  Being real with people includes our not thinking of ourselves as good/great and those around us as lesser.  Though Jesus is God, he interacted with people’s lives on their level and in a way that they could see his love for them.  Easy task for God is easy but not so easy for mankind.  Note that I did not use “impossible” in the later statement.  It’s our ability to be real with God who knows everything about that allows us to be real with others.  We’ve been there, done that.  People need to know you understand, have been there, or are even currently struggling with all that we struggle with.  Personally, I’m very glad that our thoughts are not out loud for everyone to hear.  Associating with people is the only way we will be able to present Christ to them.  I’ve been in quite a number of different denominational churches in the USA and overseas.  To say they have different messages is very huge!  In the light of the Word, what does Jesus say, believe and think?  It’s all laid out there in the pages of our Bible.  Immersion of our lives with Scripture is changes the way we say, believe and think.  Put in good stuff and good stuff can come out.  Put is negative stuff and negative stuff comes out.  Jealousy in equals jealously out. 

       Love is NOT jealous.  It’s a simple statement and yet very complex when we throw in free will and man’s definitions.  The more we add to a thought the more difficult we find to incorporate that word into our lives.  So, it goes without saying, that we need to uncomplicated our lives so that people can see Jesus.  We are taught from a very early age that we are to be jealous.  “Why can’t you be like your brother?”  “Why can’t you do things right like your sister?”  You get the picture.   We are taught to believe that jealousy is a good thing and is to be in every area of your life.  Have you ever had an evaluation at work where you were compared to the other 99% who were walking on water?  Perhaps you have heard: “If you could just be more like so in so, you would probably be promoted.”  The opposite is also true.  Hearing: “Your brother/sister is wonderful in everything they do.”  Or overhearing, “I just don’t know what to do about him/her; they are just like their father/mother.”  We carry the comments and competition that is the birth place of jealousy into college life and then into the work world.  Marriage and child bearing gives us the opportunity to raise kids who will be just like us.  Ouch!  I don’t like to be like me and I certainly don’t want people to have to grow and mature what I went through in that same process.  We tell ourselves and maybe out friends that we are NOT going to be like our parents and certainly won’t raise our kids the same way our parents did.  Except for the grace of Christ through salvation we have little choice but to follow that which we do know.  We know the world and its ways.  It’s visible and in front of us all the time.  It knocks on our doors when we watch television.  The world leaks into our minds through the hearing of lyrics of songs born from the world’s point of view.  There are many different arenas where we are pulled away from God or prevented from going to God.  To that purpose God has called you.

       If you could only save one possession just before a disaster what would it be?  Pictures on the wall, financial items in the safe, that special car/truck in the garage, or Jesus?  If you are a Christian and said any of the items before Jesus it doesn’t mean you don’t know him.  We, as a people, are called to a life of priority.  Christianity is not for the weak hearted.  There is a very real battle both visible and invisible going on around us.  If you don’t feel the battle, you probably don’t do much for God.  With few exceptions I feel like I have been in a war zone since October 1, 1972 when I first surrendered to God.  In this war zone I have been assured that I am not alone.  In the visible and invisible worlds God is there reminding me to get up when I fall and to not allow what my past has been to disqualify myself from telling people about Jesus.  The real possession I have is my salvation that brought me to my calling.  I’m to be a witness of the love of God to those whom God puts me in front of.  If I’ve talked with you about Jesus; it’s because God put you there.  If I remain humbled by the work Jesus has already done for me, I won’t be jealous.  There is none greater or lesser than me.  There are only believers and non-believers.  One group chooses to be saved and one does not.  Which choice will your parents, siblings, other relatives, friends, co-workers make when they see Jesus in you?  What will you (and I) think or say when those we didn’t show Christ to spend eternity in hell?

       If we truly focus on the calling God has put before us the stakes get high.  The more we do for Christ, the more we will face adversity.  We have an enemy who is very angry.  He does not want you and me effective for Jesus.  Nor is he to be taken lightly.  Jesus has won the battle with Satan.  All that is left is for us to take Jesus seriously.  If we are focused and busy presenting Jesus to our world we will not have the time or energy to be jealous.  The less we have jealousy in our lives, the more we have the love of God flowing out of us.  The more the love of God flows out of us the less people see us and the more they see God.  When people see God, they see their need for Him in their lives.  They then have the choice to follow Jesus or not.  If they choose to follow him they have eternal life.  Who wouldn’t want to share that?  It’s what we are called to.

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