Thursday, November 2, 2017

So, you want the world to know!

     Whenever I talk with Christians I'm impressed with their vision that lacks any means of follow through.  People in all walks of life can espouse a wonderful idea/plan and have people wowed with that concept.  The problem surfaces when we start getting down to brass tacks.  Planning to do something doesn't mean a thing.  Best intentions don't amount to much.  Desire is a great character trait but is worthless without action.  Faith without works is dead.  At least that's what the Bible says.  Jesus provided a blueprint for us to follow in order for His will to be accomplished through us.  It requires us to choose to listen, accept and then do what we are supposed to do.  I'm always looking for people to bless.  They are everywhere.  I've been blessed with much that I can't take with me when I relocate to heaven.  So, I give stuff away at the bequest of God.  An example surfaced many years ago.  I was leaving my house on a wet and rainy Seattle morning.  I dressed for the cold and wore my favorite black hat that had been everywhere with me for many years.  As I drove up the street about a mile away I saw a homeless man pushing his cart along the sidewalk.  God said, "Give the man your hat."  Okay.  I stopped and gave the man my hat.  You see, it wasn't really my hat but God's hat he had blessed me with.  Possessions and talents pass through us to accomplish God's purpose.  The man asked me why I had given him my hat.  I told him that God told me to give it to him.  He got this silly grin on his face and put on the hat.
     The first part of the equation is prayer.  I'm not talking about thanks for the food or even "now I lay me down to sleep."  I'm talking about deep personal effective prayer that begins with praise of the God who loves us, saved us and blesses us so much that those blessings can't be contained.  Instead of putting 5 minutes aside every morning to accomplish this, try putting no time limit on this part of prayer.  Let God examine your heart, get right what's wrong, and repent.  Then you are ready to sit before God and listen.  People rarely sit before God and listen.  It's not a legalistic listening exercise.  Waiting on the Lord to reveal himself and his purpose to you requires our spirit to be quiet so that we can hear his Holy Spirit.  The time of prayer should be focused on God.  Get yourself ready to be in a meeting with the God of the universe.  Then, yes it's coming, do whatever he tells you to do.  Notice that I didn't say anything about making your requests.  Yes, we do have that option.  However, that option takes away from this time of prayer and God's speaking to and through you.  The statistic is that the average pastor/lay leader spends 4 minutes in prayer a day!  How can anyone hear the voice of God with those limits?  Paul tells us to be in a continual state of prayer so that the Spirit can speak to us and we can respond.  Being consumed with God will result in those needs you think are so important being taken care of without your knowing.  Live like God is who he says he is.  Pray.
     I was in prayer the other evening with my wife when God brought the moment into a place of clarity.  I was unable to visualize what was behind me.  The day was missing.  Those events, good and bad, were gone.  I could see to the right, left and center but there was nothing behind me.  When I realized what was being shown to me I was very thankful that the habit of prayer God has given to me was being lived out and had been since I gave my life to God in October 1, 1972.  Habits take two weeks to form generally.  Those habits are important if they have been given to you by God.  The next step in prayer is to keep those habits active.  If you pray, don't be afraid to pray anywhere for anyone or anything.  When God tells you to think, say or do something use the habits he has put within your life that glorify him.  Now that you have prayed in a manner where you can actually hear God over the roar of life Satan assaults you with, you are ready to take the next step.  Go forth and make disciples of all mankind.  That's it.  I know it sounds simple.  It is.  Go forth and make disciples of all mankind in whatever manner God shows you to do so.  Maybe give away your favorite hat!  Remember, that it's always your choice.

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