Thursday, October 26, 2017

What Christians don't want to see.

     The Christian world is made up of believers from those who have a form of godliness to those who are giants in the faith.  People fall in between those extremes by choice.  It's no accident that we are where we are.  The Old and New Testament is full of those who fall somewhere on that spectrum as well.  The difference?  One extreme has little faith while the other extreme has great faith.  One extreme doesn't do much, if anything, for Jesus while the other extreme does everything they can for Jesus.  We all belong somewhere on this line.  Where we are as an individual, group or even a church depends upon what we choose and do not choose to let God do with our lives.  Christians don't want to see how much they fall short of being who they ought to be.  I know that is a generalization.  You and I have our own specific walks.  They may be lesser or greater but they are all made by choice.  How much does Jesus mean to you?  Does the mean enough to deny yourself and to walk the walk he has before you?  I'd like to say that from day one I've always walked the walk.  That would be a lie.  The battle remains the same in God's eyes.  The battle for the souls of the lost.  Christians don't want to see this battle as it would mean action and dedication on their part.  "Someone else will do it."  What a prevalent statement for many Christians in the church.  Maybe the church is saying the same thing.  In the end run, it's up to me to make the decision.  It's up to you to make the decision.
    Christians really don't (generally) want to know about the rapture.  They may say they do but the proof is in the pudding.  What is this focus on the rapture anyway?  Why is it so important to the Christian anywhere on the extreme's line?  We can appreciate the fact that God will take us home and many wish for the rapture where we are all taken home to be with Jesus.  But, there's always a but, do we really want the implications of actually believing that the rapture does what it does?  Believing in the rapture is something that Satan and his demons believe as well.  Their assault on the world and in specific the Christian world is focused on keeping as many as possible from that moment.  The Bible is clear that God has already won.  What is also implied in the whole picture is that we play a part in the battle.  We either are working for Satan or for Jesus.  We are either reaching out to the lost bring them the saving grace of Jesus Christ or we are doing nothing because we don't care if they perish and suffer eternally in the Lake of Fire.  Christians tend to shy away from thoughts where they may have to do something that is uncomfortable to them.  Stepping outside of the world's comfort zone is just another means by which we serve the Lord Jesus.  You may think this is extreme thinking.  You are right.  The souls of the lost are dependent upon whether or not we say we are a Christian or actually are a Christian.  Tell that to those who we see going off to hell because we didn't say anything.  I'm sure there will be many accusing eyes cast our way by those whom God doesn't find listed in the book of life.
     Christians don't believe that they need to adhere to a Christian life.  It's true that if we are a Christian we have asked for forgiveness of our sin and have turned from that sin.  It's also true that many have uttered the words and gone on with life without every living those words.  The distinction is very clear between the extremes.  Who is living for God and who is living for self?  Christians don't always tell people the cost when they tell them about Jesus.  This is part of building the house on solid ground.  It's not enough to help someone to see what they lack to know Jesus.  It's quite another thing to lay out the whole picture to someone before they decide to give their lives to Jesus. "We don't want them to be uncomfortable."  Really?!  Tell them that when they are turned away because Jesus utters "I never knew you."  Talking is easy.  Allowing the Holy Spirit to have his way through Christ living through us is quite another.  Living Jesus to the world is not for the faint of heart as many a martyr has discovered.  Christians need to believe, see, and act.  Without our sharing of the Lord Jesus many will perish just because we chose to do little or nothing.  That's the truth.  Own your own walk with Jesus.  Remember it's always your choice.

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