Thursday, October 12, 2017

Inaction is an action

     God answers our prayers in one of three ways:  Yes, No, and Wait.  We love the first choice, tolerate the second choice but really have a difficult time dealing with WAIT.  Yet, God calls us to do his will and not our own will.  So, waiting when God tells us to wait is an action all it's own.  The Bible is full of stories of men and women of God who were told to wait by God.  The obvious point of waiting is being obedient to God's will and not messing up what he has planned.  For those of you who don't like to wait, wait anyway.  We can be sure of this; God's plan presented to us will always come with a promise.  We are promised so much and yet by our lack of waiting ability we end up missing the blessings of God.  When we make choices outside of God's will, it's called sin.  Can you believe it?!  When we don't do what God wants we sin.  So when we are told to wait, we need to wait and see what God's wanting to accomplish through us.  I'll be the first to tell you that I am an impatient man.  Chomping at the bit like some race horse trying to get on with the race.  That's me.  God loves our excitement and enthusiasm and can use this for his will...if we will only wait.
     Being able to make choices is a good thing.  It's how we can come to Jesus and ask for the forgiveness and grace we need to be saved and have eternal life.  Waiting for someone to be ready or open to receive the Gospel isn't something many do.  Many Christians don't do anything with their faith which amounts to nothing.  Many cults are advancing their kingdom by force and intimidation.  There is more action being taken by non-Christians than Christians taking action.  The influence of the Christian is not to be kept as a lit candle under a bushel basket.  That light is supposed to be exposed where it gain oxygen and becomes all the brighter.  The only way to do that is to be able to wait.  Paul, after his conversion and blindness, stayed at the place God led him to for 3 years before God told him to move forward.  One only needs to read the book of Acts to know what his life turned out to be like!  Here was a man on fire who had waited on the direction and instruction of the Holy Spirit.  But when God told him to go, Paul never stopped and never slowed down.  His witness of God's grace and mercy led many  to Jesus and the Bible tells us that many people were converted.  Why?  Because God told Paul to wait.
     Solomon has written about at time for everything.  It's this timing we need to be paying attention to.  When we go forth with God he is already working in the lives of those we are going to be coming into contact with.  God knows when a soul is ready to be saved.  He knew when you and I were ready.  Sometimes God has someone come into our lives that has been waiting for the green light.  Those points of time coincide with each other and there you have it.  Someone gets me.  God's been planning so much to be accomplished through you and I.  By not waiting on Him, we miss the point of the plan.  There is an end point in any plan.  There are steps to that end point.  If we interfere with those steps we sabotage the plan with our plan.  All because we couldn't wait.  I've been guilty of that over my lifetime and you probably have been as well.  God's will should reign in our lives day and night 24/7.  Not so that our will can be done but that His will be done.   But then you know that and so do I.  It's always your choice.

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