Saturday, October 28, 2017

Christians living in the fog.

     The last few days as I went to make coffee I noted that we had heavy fog.  The clouded trees in the backyard testified that I wasn't seeing them clearly.  The sun hadn't made it's appearance but the pre-dawn was there.  As the sun rose, the fog began to burn away being replaced with light that allowed me an unobstructed view of the property, trees and even small details like the rabbits grazing in my backyard.  The fog had secured their safety and as the sun came up they began to move towards the bushes and trees for a quick exit from the danger zone if they needed to hide.  There are a whole book full of thoughts that come to mind regarding the fog, nature and the Christian life.  We have the Son and shouldn't have the fog in our lives.  I've come across many Christians who simply didn't understand the Christian faith.  They hadn't read the story.  I've read through the Bible many times and studied the books of the Bible individually.  Every time I pick up the Bible for reading I find something new I hadn't read before.  Similarly, as the fog lifts in my back yard I can see the newness of God's creation.  There is something reassuring about the cycle that changes every day.  The question is begged whether or not we are awake in Christ to see today?
     As I was growing in Christ a dear brother of mine suggested that I read the Bible with different focuses.  One way was to read the Bible as a story.  Another was to read the Bible as a historical document.  Yet another ways was to read the Bible from the perspective of seeing Jesus from Genesis through to the end of Revelation.  I've done so and come to conclusion that the more I know, the less I know.  God's word lifts the spiritual fog from my life every day!  Not a day has gone by when I haven't learned something new.  Why?  Because the Bible is alive and pertinent for today!  Secondly to reading the Bible is prayer.  How can anyone see clearly through the fog of problems and situations when they don't or won't pray?  This isn't just a clever idea or a legalistic hoop that we jump through.  Prayer opens up the heavens so that the blessings can fall upon us and those who actively worship the risen and living Jesus Christ.  The fog of our world is intended to distract us from what's important to God.  Seeking that importance with our heart open and eyes shut allows us to escape the world and seek the WORLD!  God has so much planned for the Christian who escapes the fog.
     The lesson learned here pertains to the Great Commission to go into all the world and share Christ and making disciples of the lost.  The fog of the Christian restrains the vision of Christ of the work through you and me.  BUT!!  But there is more!  I've always wanted to say that!  But, we are to be the Son (light) to the world of believers and non-believers for Christ who wants all mankind to be saved from their destiny of hell without Him.  We are to be the ones who lift the fog in other's lives.  Without our being who and what Christ wants us to be, there is little hope of that happening in the lives of those we are to love as Christ loved us.  Forsaking all that holds us back, we press forward with the Gospel knowing it's the only power available to save us from our sin.  Forsaking TV to read the Bible.  Forsaking that stop at the bar to go home to whomever is waiting for you to lead them in the way of life.  Forsaking diversions in order to pray AND listen to the voice of God telling us what he wants to do through us for others.  The fog needs to be lifted from first our life and then the lives of those around us.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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